What are the Atlantic Dialogues ? "Alfredo Valladão"

November 13, 2019

The 8th edition of the Atlantic Dialogues conference is on its way ! From 12 to 14 December 2019, Marrakesh will host leaders from the Atlantic Bassin to connect, debate and inspire on building new mental maps around the Southern Atlantic, on sharing ideas and on boosting the Atlantic relations. This impactful event will cover a range of important issues in global governance, education’s gap between Northern and Southern Atlantic, technology’s welfare and inequality, refugees’ protection and integration, meeting the 2020 energy transition goals, and more. To learn more about the conference, click on the following link : https://www.policycenter.ma/AtlanticD... The conference will be livestreamed, stay tuned.

Alfredo Da Gama e Abreu Valladão
Senior Fellow
Alfredo G. A. Valladão is Senior Fellow at Policy Center for the New South and Professor at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) of Sciences Po Paris, who focuses on international affairs, geopolitics, global economics, Brazil and Latin America. Alongside these positions, he is President of the Advisory Board at EU-Brazil association in Brussels, Member International Advisory Board of CEBRI (Brazilian Center for International Relations – Rio de Janeiro), Member of the Comité des Rencontres Internationales de Genève (RIG), Director of the Latin America Research Chair at CESEM-HEM in Morocco and a columnist for Radio France Internationale (RFI). Former member of the Board of Trustees of UNITAR (2009-1015), and former Director of the Mercosur Chair of Sciences Po (199 ...


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