Wenran Jiang - Asia’s Natural Gas and Global LNG Market Trends

June 30, 2016
Wenran Jiang
Project Director, Canada-China Energy and Environment Forum, Special Advisor to Alberta Minister of Energy, and Senior Fellow of Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Dr. Wenran Jiang is the Director of Canada-China Energy and Environment Forum and its annual conference since 2004. Currently, he is Special Advisor to the Alberta Department of Energy on Asian market diversification, Senior Fellow of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Wilson Centre Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Special Advisor on China to the US and Canada based Energy Council, and President of Wenya Group Inc. Before taking a partial leave from his tenure at the University of Alberta’s Department of Political Science, Dr. Jiang was the Founding Director (2005-08) and Inaugural Mactaggart Research Chair (2008-11) of the University’s China Institute. Traveling to China very frequently, and other parts of the world with field resear ...


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