The Middle East faces a web of complex crises driven by historical legacies, regional power struggles, and ongoing geopolitical tensions. Among these crises, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict stands out as a deeply entrenched issue, marked by competing national aspirations and territorial disputes. The region’s challenges are further compounded by a mix of deeply rooted conflicts, sectarian divides, and the influence of both regional and global actors. These crises have far-reaching implications, affecting global security, economic stability, and international diplomacy. Understanding the dynamics of these conflicts requires a comprehensive view of their historical contexts and current geopolitical shifts. In this interview, our columnist Helmut Sorge hosts Charles Kupchan, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Kupchan shares insights into the underlying factors shaping the Middle East's past and ongoing crises, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He explores the roles of major international players and discusses potential paths toward resolution, shedding light on the region’s complex landscape and its broader impact on global affairs.
AuthorsMokhtar GhailaniJuly 13, 2018Les participants aux travaux de la Conférence annuelle du réseau EuroMesco, autour du thème « Un regard nouveau sur les relations euro-méditerranéennes », co-organisée par l’OCP Policy Center et l’Institut Européen de la Méditerranée IEMed, à Rabat, les 12 et 13 juillet 2018, ont été unanimes à faire leur le constat selon lequel la situation qui prévaut dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen, les rives nord et sud confondues, est prédominée par des tensions et des défis. Tout au long de ...
AuthorsJuly 4, 2018“NONE OF AFRICA’S PROBLEMS CAN BE RESOLVED THROUGH MILITARY FORCE” Colonel Raul Rivas arrived in dress uniform, his parachute citations well polished. His ribbons for bravery and combat duty were aligned at the upper left-hand side of his jacket, a colorful display of combat, death and battles in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Colonel, just a few years above 40, and despite his 21 years in the military, was as “proud of being an American as one can be,” a true patriot. He jumped out ...
June 27, 2018Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chad, Special Representative for Mali and Head of MINUSMA ...
Corentin BrustleinJune 20, 2018Dans ce Podcast, nous avons fait réagir le Professeur Corentin Brustlein, chercheur à l’Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI), sur le retrait des Etats-Unis d’Amérique de ...
Rachid el HoudaiguiJune 13, 2018Dans ce podcast, notre Senior Fellow le Pr Rachid El Houdaïgui présente le thème et les enjeux de la seconde édition de la Conférence sur la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique (APSACO), qui s ...
Rachid el HoudaiguiJune 13, 2018Dans ce podcast, notre Senior Fellow le Pr Rachid El Houdaïgui présente le thème et les enjeux de la seconde édition de la Conférence sur la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique (APSACO), qui s ...
AuthorsSabine CessouMay 31, 2018What are the best ways forward to enhance the capacity, increase the impact, and ensure the long term viability of think tanks in Africa? These questions have been debated during the 2nd edition of African Think Tank Summit (ATTS) held in Rabat from May 9th to May 11th. The African think tanks have positively evolved over the years in order to respond to the specific needs of their different countries. They operate as platforms to share knowledge and train young leaders, with some ...
AuthorsMay 31, 2018He wore sunglasses. A traditional red and white checkered headscarf, a Bedouin Arab keffiyeh, covered his balding head. His combat uniform was khaki colored. When my host sat down he clamped his Kalachnikov with two hands, tucking the weapon to his chubby body, 5 feet and 4 inches in all. He was unshaven, with his famous three days beard. The tent was surrounded by armed guards, since we were meeting (in secret) in the Jordan Valley, near the Israeli-Jordanian border. Caution was ad ...
AuthorsMay 31, 2018OCP Policy Center and the Think Tank and Civil Societies Program of the University of Pennsylvania, with the support of the Moroccan International Cooperation Agency (AMCI), the Asian Development Bank hosted the 2018 Africa Think Tank Summit under the theme “Deepening Expertise and Enhancing Sustainability: Insight into Contemporary Challenges Facing African Think Tanks.” The summit was held May 9-11th, 2018 at The View Hotel, Rabat, Morocco. The most influential and innovative thi ...
AuthorsMay 31, 2018Salutations Thank you for the invitation to address the 2018 Africa Think Tank Summit in this memorable city of Rabat. I thank in particular, the OCP Policy Center and the Think Tank and Civil Societies Program of the University of Pennsylvania for hosting the Summit with the theme “Deepening Expertise and Enhancing Sustainability: Insight into Contemporary Challenges Facing African Think Tanks”. Rabat, Morocco has been the sprouting ground of numerous agenda-setting instruments ...