AuthorsInaciao F.AraujoNovember 11, 2024This study quantifies the contributions of Brazil’s blue economy and explores the economic interdependence between coastal and hinterland regions through interregional linkages. Employing a multi-level approach, we analyze municipality and state-level data on oceanrelated activities. Using an interstate input-output model, we estimate the value chains of the blue economy, offering a deeper understanding of its systemic impacts. This study addresses gaps in national, regional, and lo ...
November 5, 2024في هذه الحلقة من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء، نستعرض مستجدات مشروع قانون المالية لعام 2025، الذي يأتي في ظل سياق اقتصادي أكثر إيجابية مقارنة بالسنوات الماضية، مع انخفاض معدلات التضخم واستقرار أسعار المواد الأساسية. بصحبة ضيفنا بدر الزاهر الأزرق، سنقدم قراءة تحليلية لهذا السياق وللفرضيات التي ب...
AuthorsNovember 1, 2024Using panel data from a large group of developing economies and a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator, we examine the effects of trade and other factors on female labor-force participation and wage employment. We focus particularly on comparing the effects of trade openness in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The empirical results indicate that trade openness affects female labor-force p ...
AuthorsOctober 25, 2024Ding, dang, dong… Vous avez certainement entendu sonner le carillon. C’est la rentrée. Ou les rentrées. Elles s’étalent sur quasiment deux mois tant la reprise est plurielle et concerne des acteurs ou des agents multiples. La rentrée des élèves, tout d’abord. À la mi-septembre déjà, ils ont enlevé le sable de leurs chaussettes, rangé leurs nouvelles fournitures scolaires. Mais pas seulement, celle des parents aussi : septembre est le mois de toutes les dépenses : les frais scolaire ...
AuthorsOctober 23, 2024This paper was originally published on This paper explores the (de-)routinisation of employment structure in developing countries, through the case of Morocco. We investigate employment (de-)routinisation from an often-overlooked perspective, aiming to elucidate the interplay between the dynamics of occupational employment composition by the level of routine tasks intensity and two structural aspects: premature deindustrialisation and the prevalence of informal lab ...
AuthorsPhilip YangOctober 23, 2024The digital revolution is bringing about a dramatic shift in power, from labor to capital. We assess what the impact of this transformation might be on land as a factor of production. The digital revolution is not happening in a historical vacuum. It unfolds within a framework of confrontation or collusion between market forces and government forces. Depending on the market power that companies can exercise, the digital transition will have different impacts on income distributions ...
AuthorsOctober 16, 2024Depuis que l’économie a été reconnue par les Nobel, en 1969, c’est à elle que revient de clore la semaine des cérémonies consacrées à la remise des prix. C’est ainsi que le 14 octobre 2024 trois hommes ont été nominés par l’Académie suédoise : un économiste turco-américain, Daron Acemoglu (MIT), un économiste britannique Simon Johnson (MIT) et un économiste américain James A.Robinson de l’Université de Chicago. Trois lauréats qui travaillent dans des universités américaines reconnue ...
Akram Zaoui & Otaviano CanutoOctober 11, 2024After the highly polarized 2022 presidential elections, Brazil's political landscape remains influenced by regional voting patterns and lingering divisions. In this episode, Ottaviano Can ...
AuthorsAntonio Jorge MartinsOctober 9, 2024The road to decarbonizing the planet runs through the energy transition, which includes the shift from fossil-fueled cars to renewable energy vehicles. This automotive transition is unfolding as a true revolution in the industry. The evolution toward electric and hybrid vehicles has come in tandem with the ascent of Chinese producers. In the current context of geopolitical and technological rivalries, the automotive transition has been marked by an intense trade war, with implicati ...
October 8, 2024في هذه الحلقة من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء، نستضيف السيد عبد الله ساعف لمناقشة دور المؤسسات والمقاولات العمومية في تطوير الاقتصاد المغربي منذ الاستقلال، وكيف ساهمت في تفعيل السياسات العمومية. كما نسلط الضوء على الإصلاحات الحالية لإعادة هيكلتها وتحديثها، مع التركيز على تحديات الحكامة وسبل تحس...