Réforme du système multilatéral

October 11, 2023

Président du conseil d'administration  

- Suma Chakrabarti, présidente du conseil d'administration de l'ODI, Royaume-Uni


- N.K. Singh, président de la quinzième commission des finances de l'Inde ; coprésident du groupe d'experts du G20 sur les banques multilatérales de développement (BMD)


- Carolina España, vice-présidente exécutive, CAF - Banque de développement d'Amérique latine

- Rebeca Grynspan, secrétaire générale, Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement (CNUCED)

- Homi Kharas, Senior Fellow - Global Economy and Development, Center for Sustainable Development, Brookings Institution

- Donald Kaberuka, ancien président de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD)

- Vera Songwe, présidente de la Facilité pour la liquidité et la durabilité ; coprésidente du groupe de haut niveau sur le financement de l'action climatique

- Woochong Um, directeur général, Banque asiatique de développement (BAD)

Remarques de clôture

- Enrique Garcia, ancien président et directeur général, CAF - Banque de développement d'Amérique latine



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    Dans ce Podcast, nous avons sollicité l’avis de Mr. John Seaman, chercheur à l’Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI), sur les investissements chinois en Europe. Les oppor ...
  • May 15, 2018
    Les réponses de l’expert John Seaman aux questions que nous lui avons posées, permettent de mieux cerner la réalité des investissements chinois en Europe. Ceci en évoquant les craintes qu ...
  • May 10, 2018
    According to the global consulting firm McKinsey and Company, one out of our workers worldwide may be African by 2030. The global center for gravity of labor-intensive manufacturing is ex ...
  • Authors
    May 10, 2018
    The April issue of the IMF’s “World Economic Outlook (WEO)” included a chapter on how globalization has helped knowledge from technology leaders spread faster than before. Cross-border technological diffusion has not only contributed to rising domestic productivity levels in advanced and emerging economies, but also facilitated a partial reshaping of the technological innovation landscape, with some recipients becoming new significant sources of research and development (R&D) an ...
  • Authors
    May 10, 2018
    These days, the word "crisis" is gaining a new urgency around the globe… Crisis of humanity, of water, hunger, poverty, climate. Crisis of war, destruction, terrorism. And a crisis of thought, intellectual exchange, theories transfered into reality. And a crisis of think tanks, eventually, although their work matters, since it sends signals, offers proposals and applicable solutions.  In that context, Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of Nigeria and Board member of the Africa Pro ...
  • Authors
    Mokhtar Ghailani
    May 2, 2018
    La conférence-débat, organisée par l’OCP Policy Center, en association avec Sciences Po Paris Alumni Maroc (AMASP), le 26 avril 2018, autour du livre « Les enjeux du marché du travail au Maroc », et co-dirigé par Karim el Aynaoui et Aomar Ibourk, ne pouvait mieux tomber.  Le  pavé, de quelques 450 pages, bien structuré et fourni en données et en analyses « différenciées mais complémentaires » développées par une brochette d’experts et d’analystes, intervient dans un contexte nation ...
  • Authors
    Will Martin
    April 30, 2018
    Destination-based business cash-flow taxes have received a great deal of attention and are being widely considered as a replacement for traditional, origin-based, corporate taxes. These taxes combine the strong revenue-raising ability of a VAT with an enormously expensive tax deduction for wages. They would certainly be attractive to foreign investors by eliminating the burden of current corporate taxes. However, adopting them at the rates typically discussed would raise consumer pr ...
  • Authors
    Vinicius A. Vale
    April 26, 2018
    This paper reports the results of an application using an interregional input-output matrix for Morocco together with regional information on water consumption by sectors. We develop a trade-based index that reveals the relative water use intensities associated with specific interregional and international trade flows. We estimate, for each flow associated with each origin-destination pair, measures of trade in value added and trade in water that are further used to calculate our in ...
  • Authors
    April 19, 2018
    In its March 2018 meeting, the Federal Reserve raised the target range for federal funds rate by a quarter point to 1.5-1.75 percent and Fed officials are now projecting a steeper path of hikes for the next two years. Recent inflation data would hint at the Fed staying firmly on track for another 25bp rate hike in June. As producer price inflation hit a seven-year high and a tightened labor market is exercising upward pressure on wage growth, there is no wonder expectations have sli ...