Présentation de l’outil de gestion des risques des zones franches

June 9, 2021

The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), in partnership with the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), will hold a workshop at the occasion of the launch of the “Free Trade Zone Risk Assessment Tool”, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, June 9th 2021 at 3pm GMT. It has been demonstrated that, despite global advances like the publication of the OECD Code of Conduct for Clean Free Trade Zones (FTZs), private-sector businesses often find it difficult to distinguish between compliant (clean) and non-compliant (risky) FTZs. To remedy this gap, RUSI has developed a freely available online risk assessment tool that helps banks, insurance companies, shipping lines and freight forwarders assess their exposure to the risk of facilitating crime as a result of operating in an FTZ. This Free Trade Zone Risk Assessment tool enables businesses to assess their exposure to the risk of facilitating illicit trade or financial crime in any FTZ. Distinguish between FTZs that already comply with international standards and those that do not and dispel the perception that all FTZs are always high-risk. In this context, this workshop will feature a presentation of the tool and a discussion among experts on the challenges and best practices of assessing the risks of illicit trade and financial crime in FTZs. 15:00 -15:10 Introduction to the Panel Anton Moiseienko, Research Fellow, Centre for Financial Crime & Security Studies, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Alexandria Reid, Research Fellow, Organised Crime and Policing, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) 15:10 -15:30 Presentation of the Free Trade Zone Risk Assessment Tool Anton Moiseienko, Research Fellow, Centre for Financial Crime & Security Studies, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) 15:30 -16:10 Debate “The Moroccan Experience” Ilham Khalil, Ilham Khalil, Marketing, Communications and Corporate Relations Director, Tanger Med Youssef Briga, Head of the Investment and Free Zones Office, Administration des Douanes et Impôts Indirects Thomas Dournon, Strategic Governance Advisory, Business Intelligence, Risk & Compliance 16:10 -16:30 Q&A About the Speakers : Moiseienko Anton, Research Fellow, Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Alexandria Reid, Research Analyst, Organised Crime and Policing, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Ilham Khalil, Marketing, Communications and Corporate Relations Director, Tanger Med Thomas Dournon, Strategic Governance Advisory, Business Intelligence, Risk & Compliance Youssef Briga, Head of the Investment and Free Zones Office, Administration des Douanes et Impôts Indirects

Anton Moiseienko
Research Fellow, Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies, RUSI
Anton is a Research Fellow at RUSI’s Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies. His current and recent research covers a range of financial crime issues, including money laundering via online businesses, corruption in the UK and overseas, the intersection between cybercrime and money laundering, and financial crime risks posed by free trade zones. Anton holds a PhD in law from Queen Mary University of London and a master’s degree in law from the University of Cambridge. His book Corruption and Targeted Sanctions was published by Brill | Nijhoff. He is also a co-editor of Transnational Crime: European and Chinese Perspectives (Routledge, 2018), Criminal Networks and Law Enforcement (Routledge, 2019) and Research Handbook on Transnational Crime (Edward Elgar, 2019). Anton ...
Alexandria Reid
Research Analyst, Organised Crime and Policing
Alexandria Reid is a Research Analyst in the Organised Crime and Policing team at RUSI. Her research covers a range of topics related to serious and organised crime, including environmental security, illicit trade and related illicit financial flows. She is Project Officer for the Strategic Hub for Organised Crime Research (SHOC) at RUSI, and a Guest Lecturer for the Marjan Centre for the Study of Conflict and the Environment, King’s College London, where she teaches gender and environmental security. Alexandria holds an MA (Distinction) in Conflict, Security and Development from King’s College London. Prior to joining RUSI, she was a Programme Officer for the Centre for Grand Strategy and an MoD-funded Research Administrator at the King’s Centre for Military Health Research. ...
Ilham Khalil
Marketing, Communications and Corporate Relations Director, Tanger Med
Youssef Briga
Head of the Investment and Free Zones Office, Administration des Douanes et Impôts Indirects
Thomas Dournon
Strategic Governance Advisory, Business Intelligence, Risk & Compliance


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