Plenary IX and AD Talk

December 15, 2017

14:0015:15 Plenary IX: Lessons from Foreign Military Interventions in Africa Location: Ballroom Moderator: Zeinab Badawi, Director, 2 - Michel Duclos, French Diplomat and Senior Fellow, Institut Montaigne - Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President, Nato Defense College Foundation - Michelle Ndiaye, Director, Africa Peace and Security Programme, Institute for Peace and Security Studies - J. Peter Pham, Vice President and Director, Africa Center, Atlantic Council 15:1515:45 AD Talk: Building South-South Partnerships for Development and Security Location: Ballroom Moderator: Uduak Amimo, Host, Citizen TV - Lionel Zinsou, Former Prime Minister of Benin - Eniola Mafe. Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta. Partnerships & Business Development Manager

J. Peter Pham
Director, Africa Center, Atlantic Council of the United States
J. Peter Pham is the director of the Atlantic Council's Africa Center. He is also the incumbent vice president of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), and is editor-in-chief of ASMEA's Journal of the Middle East and Africa. Pham was previously senior vice president of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, and editor of its bimonthly journal, American Foreign Policy Interests. He was also a tenured associate professor of justice studies, political science, and Africana studies at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, where he was director of the Nelson Institute for International and Public Affairs. Pham is the author of more than 300 essays, and reviews, and the author, editor, or translator of over a dozen books, most ...
Uduak Amimo
Journalist and Consultant, Uduak Amimo Coaching and Consulting
Eniola Mafe
Founder/ Principal, EMA Advisory and Lead for 2030Vision Initiative
Eniola Mafe is a strategist and international development leader with a track record of over 15 years in facilitating high-level engagement, frameworks for systemic change, program implementation and effective strategy for sustainable development in developing countries. She is the Founder and Principal at Eniola Mafe Advisory focused on helping those who think differently and those who want to think differently about development and social impact. Eniola led the growth and development of 2030 Vision Initiative, focused on harnessing 4IR technologies to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals within the next decade. In partnership with UNDP, Arm and more than 20 top technology companies, this platform provides a focal point to mobilize more concerted and coope ...


  • December 15, 2017
    14:00 – 15:15 Plenary IX: Lessons from Foreign Military Interventions in Africa Location: Ballroom Moderator: Zeinab Badawi, Director, Kush Communications - Michel Duclos, French Diplomat and Senior Fellow, Institut Montaigne - Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President, Nato Defense College Fo...
  • December 15, 2017
    14:00 – 15:15 Plenary IX: Lessons from Foreign Military Interventions in Africa Location: Ballroom Moderator: Zeinab Badawi, Director, 2 - Michel Duclos, French Diplomat and Senior Fellow, Institut Montaigne - Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President, Nato Defense College Foundation - Michell...
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  • December 14, 2017
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