Otaviano Canuto on Natural Wealth and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

June 2, 2021

Otaviano Canuto, Policy Center for the New South The conceptual framework of natural wealth that we approached in the previous video may be illustrated with cases drawn from Sub-Saharan Africa. With at least 250 million inhabitants in resource-rich African countries, natural assets are responsible for more than 80% of exports and 50% of government revenues in the region. As such, the high concentration of resource-rich countries in the area allows for direct comparisons with their resource-poor counterfactual regional neighbors. We compare rates of economic growth, poverty reduction, governance, and sources of productivity growth. Finally, we contrast the pictures of resource-rich and resource-poor countries during the commodity boom with the current one during the pandemic crisis.

Otaviano Canuto
Senior Fellow
Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and Non-Resident Senior Fellow at Brookings Institute. Former Vice President and Executive Director at the World Bank, Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Vice President at the Inter-American Development Bank. ...


  • Authors
    January 10, 2015
    La chute des prix pétroliers observée depuis le milieu de l’année 2014 s’explique par la conjonction d’un excès d’offre et par une insuffisance de la demande dans un contexte économique mondial morose. Le niveau des prix ne peut cependant être la seule variable à prendre en compte dans une analyse prospective des effets macroéconomiques de cette baisse : structure par terme et volatilité des prix constituent ici des éléments explicatifs fondamentaux. ...