NATO's New Horizon: Addressing Post-Ukraine War Challenges with Barre Seguin
December 23, 2023
In this interview, Barre Seguin, Director, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, discusses NATO challenges post the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Mr. Seguin elaborates on the reshaped NATO strategy and addresses concerns about the lack of modern and sufficient armament. He explains potential solutions to overcome this deficiency if Moscow were to provoke another incident, particularly in a NATO member state like Poland.

Helmut Sorge
Helmut Sorge is a columnist at the Policy Center for the New South, where he publishes opinion pieces in the format of international press reviews of current events related to the Middle East and European affairs, and conducts interviews with high level policy makers and PCNS researchers. He is also a lecturer on journalism and the media. For over 40 years, Helmut Sorge served as a writer, former Foreign correspondent, Foreign editor, and Middle East expert for Germany's leading newsmagazine "Der Spiegel" to Washington, London, Paris and Los Angeles. He reported from Vietnam, the Middle East, wrote about safaris, nuclear accidents, visited prisoners on death row in the United States. The German weekly “Gala” summarized in 2011, when his latest book, a collection of biographies ...