The broad thrust of Morocco’s trade and industrial policies over the last thirty years has been to anchor Morocco into world flows of goods, services, and cross-border investment. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, rising international prices, and a complex geopolitical environment, Moroccans continue to derive significant benefits from their economy’s openness. These include improved consumer choice and welfare, the growing insertion of Moroccan firms into cross ...
This Policy Paper was originally published on
This study explores how Morocco can successfully develop a green hydrogen market and at the same time contribute to the global energy transition.
Authors Rim Berahab and Afaf Zarkik show how Morocco’s bold strategies and investments in renewables can shape a promising future for green hydrogen. They chart a path to decipher the potential of this energy vector, while outlining the elements necessary for the emergence of a g ...
Nothing better illustrates the positive contribution of the integration of national economies into global value chains than the fact that in the 1990s, the automotive sector barely existed in Morocco. Now, it is the leading export sector, with a production and assembly capacity of 700,000 vehicles, making it an attractive and competitive hub linking Africa and Europe in the automotive value chain. However, the automotive industry is on the cusp of change, with advances in electric a ...
Depuis 2020, le Policy Center for the New South, le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD) et la Banque mondiale ont lancé l'initiative « Parlons développement », qui consiste en une série de réflexions collectives sur les grands enjeux du développement durable. Cette ...
يزخر المغرب بتراث ثقافي جعله يتبوأ بأعلى المراتب على الصعيد الإفريقي من حيث عدد التسجيلات الثقافية على قائمة اليونسكو للتراث العالمي، وهو الشيء الذي مكن المغرب من إطلاق مجموعة من المشاريع والمبادرات المؤطـرة التي يتم دعمها وطنيا ودوليا. وعلى الرغم من هذه الدينامية الإيجابية التي مكنت من...
Les Dialogues Stratégiques, une collaboration entre HEC Center for Geopolitics et Policy Center for the New South, représentent une plateforme d'analyse et d'échange biannuelle réunissant des experts, des praticiens, des décideurs politiques, ainsi que le monde universitaire et les médias au service d'une réflexion critique et approfondie sur les tendances politiques mondiales et sur une problématique d'intérêt régional, d'importance commune à la fois pour l'Europe et l'Afrique.
C ...
This paper aims to investigate the impact of an inflation targeting framework adoption by the central bank, on the reduction of public debt ratios in emerging countries, through the potential discipline-enhancing effect of inflation targeting on the conduct of fiscal policy in general. The impact evaluation method used is the Propensity Score Matching (PSM), which allows the evaluation of the treatment effect of inflation targeting on fiscal discipline, in terms of public debt reduc ...
This paper presents a synthetic view of the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of the economic sectors and regions that make up the Moroccan economy, taking into account the current economic structure and production technologies. Therefore, the potential effects must be understood as signals to think about interventions aimed at redirecting the desired trajectories of sustainable development. The application of the tools developed to give scientific support to this analysis rev ...
For over six decades, Morocco has largely equated the achievement of food self-sufficiency (FSS) in ‘strategic’ food commodities to achieving food security. Successive governments have succeeded in guaranteeing the availability of and access to these commodities for the poor and vulnerable. In so doing, they have maintained social stability by fulfilling a basic social contract with the people. This is a major achievement, but the financial, economic, and environmental costs of this ...
بمناسبة اليوم الدولي للتعددية والدبلوماسية من أجل السلام، قررنا تخصيص الحلقة إلى إفريقيا ومبدأ تعددية الاطراف في سياق اوضاع السلم والأمن الهشة في منطقة الساحل وانتشار عدم الاستقرار في الب ...