Interview with Patricia Lisa, Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute

May 3, 2019

Climate Security in the Sahel and the Mediterranean: Local and Regional Responses -- Patricia Patricia, Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute --

Patricia Lisa
Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute
Patricia Lisa is an Analyst at Elcano Royal Institute for EU and migration matters. She has been involved in international negotiations for more than ten years, representing public offices for European Affairs and government members in Portugal. She was a team member in the Portuguese (2007) and Spanish (2010) Presidencies of the Council of the EU, head delegate for Justice and Home Affairs at several EU working parties and deputy to the advisory Committee of Article 36 (pre Lisbon) for policy and judicial cooperation in penal matters. She has been a technical advisor to government members on EU and national law and participates in various networking projects, as a Contact Point for the European Judicial Network in penal matters. She is a member of the Bellevue Programme at th ...


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