AuthorsJune 27, 2019Caribbean and African ties run deep. They are based on a shared history, culture, and sense of a common identity forged by the slave trade which forcibly relocated more than 10 million Africans to the New World, in the process, creating large centres of African Diaspora in the Caribbean and elsewhere. The common historical experiences of slavery and colonialism inspired formation of the Pan-African Movement in the first half of the 1900’s led by the African Diaspora outside of Afric ...
June 27, 2019Intégration Régionale et Investissements Directs Etrangers: Retour sur les Expériences Brésilienne et Africaines - Sandra Polonia Rios, Directrice, CINDES -- ...
June 27, 2019Intégration Régionale et Investissements Directs Etrangers: Retour sur les Expériences Brésilienne et Africaines - Pedro da Motta Veiga, Président, CINDES -- ...
AuthorsRaphael CamargoJune 26, 2019The author is an alumnus of the 2015 Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program Five brief bullet points: this was the entire contents of President Jair Bolsonaro’s political plan presented during the 2018 Brazilian Presidential race detailing his foreign policy ambitions. Besides the pro-Trump rhetoric, little was known regarding Mr. Bolsonaro’s international relations plan. Elected with 55.13% of the valid votes in a second-round turn, the victory of the Social Liberal Party (PS ...
AuthorsPedro da Motta VeigaSandra Polónia RiosJune 25, 2019MERCOSUR is almost thirty years old. The project has achieved relevant accomplishments, but it has also accumulated many unfulfilled objectives and even some setbacks. It began with a very ambitious goal: the constitution of a common market. This ambition was quickly reduced to a customs union project, still a far-reaching objective. Africa, by its side, has undergone, since many decades, relevant regional and sub-regional integration experiences, some of which share the ambitions o ...