AuthorsDecember 10, 2021Addressing the increasing demands for water, energy, and food requires a coherent methodology to ensure that societies have access to them and that conflict over them is avoided. For example, agriculture and food production require water and energy; energy production also requires water and, in some instances, agricultural products. Water distribution and treatment can be very energy intensive. Therefore, the benefits of approaching the Water- Energy-Food (WEF) nexus in an integr ...
AuthorsDecember 10, 2021Accelerating the transition toward low or net-zero carbon emissions is necessary to keep global warming at theoretically safe levels. That will likely bring price shocks associated with rising metal prices, energy costs, and carbon taxes – what has been called “greenflation”. Greening the economy will also require public spending and redistributive policies. ...
December 10, 2021Information is Power; that is the reason the world’s most valuable resource is no longer Oil, but Data. The UN stated, in one of its reports about Sustainable Development, that the volume of data in the world is increasing exponentially, that 90 per cent of it has been created in the la...
December 9, 2021La troisième session du cycle de conférences qu’organise le Policy Center for the New South sur la mise en œuvre du Nouveau Modèle de Développement (NMD) portera sur la protection sociale. Le système de protection sociale national est parvenu aujourd'hui à un moment charnière. Il se tro...
December 9, 2021A summit on the African vision of Sahel’s future with a focus on development around the 5 Sahelian Ministers of Economy and the report “Sahel: Moving Beyond Military Containment” ...
December 8, 2021Une initiative du Policy Center for the New South, en du PNUD et de la Banque Mondiale, en partenariat avec l’université Abdelmalek Essaadi. La pandémie de la COVID-19 a déclenché, en une courte période, une crise sans précédent entraînant des effets négatifs sur l’économie mondiale, le...
AuthorsDecember 8, 2021The Polish memory of oppression, occupation, the holocaust, Nazi occupation, and communist dictators is burned into the national soul and conscience. A Polish born Pope, Jean Paul II, supported the long national struggle for freedom, giving faith to Poland’s 38 million citizens, mainly Catholic. Freedom turned into a national treasure. Membership of the European Union, achieved in May 2004, promised a path towards social justice, wealth, and global acceptance of their abused homela ...
December 8, 2021The rapidly evolving nature of our economies and societies accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis has brought a broader range of shifts in the way workplaces and workforces are organized. The advent of new technologies has radically transformed the way public and private organizations opera...
December 7, 2021يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لتقييم التواصل والأداء العمومي في المغرب مع عزيز بوستة، مدير النشر بصحيفة بانورابوست. يلعب التواصل العمومي دورا بارزا في تقوية صلة الوصل بين المواطن والمؤسسات العمومية وتكريس مبدأ الشفافية والمشاركة، إضافة إلى...
AuthorsSabine CessouDecember 7, 2021This impact-driven young Peruvian legal scholar studies and advocates for the redesign of Corporate Law internationally through innovation for sustainable development. What does that mean exactly? After graduating from Harvard Law School (LL.M.’19), Juan Diego Mujica Filippi has been working as academic coordinator of an international research project on purpose-driven companies and the regulation of the fourth sector sponsored by the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB, based ...