David HumphreysMarch 14, 2016This podcast is performed by Mr. David Humphreys. He was formerly chief economist of the London-based mining company, Rio Tinto, and of Russia's largest mining company, Norilsk Nickel. Th ...
AuthorsMarch 14, 2016During the Lisbon Summit back in 2010, NATO adopted its third post-bipolar Strategic Concept acknowledging the structural and functional transformation process. In addition to its traditional mission of ensuring mutual defense, stabilizing its surroundings and global power projection capability now adds to the organization’s mission. As a matter of fact, the role of NATO could be shifting from a regional defense alliance to that of a global player. However, one can only wonder wheth ...
Ian LesserMarch 10, 2016This podcast is performed by Ian Lesser. The prevailing disorder and conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean could be a durable feature of the strategic environment in the years ahead. Sust ...
Eckart WoertzMarch 08, 2016This podcast is performed by Eckart Woertz. Saudi Arabia's role is pivotal in global oil markets and oil revenues are crucial for its political stability. The talk gives an overview of re ...
AuthorsMarch 8, 2016La potasse constitue, avec le phosphate et l’azote, l’un des trois nutriments utilisés dans la fabrication d’engrais. Si les facteurs qui influencent sa demande sont pour la plupart communs aux autres fertilisants et en large partie déterminés par la conjoncture des marchés agricoles, son offre répond quant à elle à des facteurs propres. Longtemps connu pour être contrôlé par deux cartels de production et d’exportation, le marché de la potasse a connu une évolution majeure en 2013 m ...
Michael LeighMarch 08, 2016This podcast is performed by Michael Leigh. As we enter 2016, Europe's energy situation will face many political and security challenges. Sir Michael Leigh will review in this presentatio ...
AuthorsMarch 8, 2016Along with phosphorus and nitrogen, potash constitutes one of the three nutrients used in the production of fertilizers. Although the factors that influence its demand are mostly common to other fertilizers and in large part determined by the agricultural market conditions, its supply depends on specific factors. Long known to be controlled by two production and export cartels, the potash market experienced a major change in 2013 with the end of the RussianBelarusian agreement. In a ...
AuthorsZouhair Aït BenhamouMarch 2, 2016Discrepancies in output fluctuations between emerging and developed economies are well documented in the literature. Differences however within developing economies have not been sufficiently scrutinised. This paper argues that global and regional shocks primarily drive the business cycle in emerging economies, and provides estimated results for cycle variance decomposition. The paper also offers a theoretical framework to check on the set of stylized facts common and specific to em ...
Carole MathieuMarch 01, 2016Ce podcast est délivré par Carole Mathieu. A sa clôture le 12 décembre 2015, la COP21 a été saluée comme un grand succès diplomatique. En adoptant l’accord de Paris, les 196 Parties à la ...
February 25, 2016...