Interview avec Taoufik Mouline "Africa Think Tank Summit 2018"

May 14, 2018

Tawfik Mouline, Director General, Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES)

Taoufik Mouline
Director General, Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES)


  • Authors
    Lemine Ould M. Salem
    June 6, 2018
    Les quatre acteurs majeurs de la crise libyenne ont approuvé, le 29 mai 2018, lors du Sommet organisé par le Président français Emmanuel Macron au Palais de l’Elysée à Paris, une “Déclaration politique sur la Libye” qui prévoit l’organisation le 10 décembre prochain d’un double scrutin, législatif et présidentiel. Ce texte “historique”, selon le Chef de l’Etat français, reste cependant menacé par la complexité de la réalité sur le terrain libyen. On ne compte plus les initiatives v ...
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    May 31, 2018
    OCP Policy Center and the Think Tank and Civil Societies Program of the University of Pennsylvania, with the support of the Moroccan International Cooperation Agency (AMCI), the Asian Development Bank hosted the 2018 Africa Think Tank Summit under the theme “Deepening Expertise and Enhancing Sustainability: Insight into Contemporary Challenges Facing African Think Tanks.” The summit was held May 9-11th, 2018 at The View Hotel, Rabat, Morocco. The most influential and innovative thi ...
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    With the reshaping of relations between the EU and the ACP countries (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific), and the expected revision of the ACP-EU agreement in 2020, it is essential to re-visit the framework of key partnerships between Europe and Africa and to propose efficient collaborative strategies to enhance relations. This book explores the various areas of cooperation for the renewal of African-European partnerships, notably in fields such as education, the creation of jobs for yo ...
  • Authors
    Bouchra Rahmouni
    May 30, 2018
    In a more chaotic and critical Mediterranean security environment that is facing a huge geopolitical change, the NATO alliance has found itself challenged by rival states across the spectrum of conflict. Russia, which represents an instance of this change, has acquired for the first time in its modern history a proper permanent base in the Mediterranean. Also, other geopolitical changes such as proliferation of ballistic missiles among both state and non-state actors around the Medi ...
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    Is it possible to reasonably reflect and analyze the Sahara conflict without taking into account, on the one hand, the relevance of both legal and extra-legal factors, and on the other hand, the interplay between the different stakeholders involved ? This intensely complex topic requires taking into consideration not only regulations of international law, but also the geopolitical, anthropological, and security aspects intertwined in the matter ...
  • Authors
    Haim Malka
    May 8, 2018
    For decades, the North African Maghreb has been both a source of irregular migration to Europe and a gateway for sub-Saharan Africans transiting to Europe. Now the Maghreb is also emerging as a destination for migration. While Europe remains the preferred destination for most African migrants, reaching Europe is becoming increasingly difficult at precisely the time that migration pressures in Africa are mounting. Africa’s massive migration is just getting started—and this presents ...
  • Authors
    Mokhtar Ghailani
    May 2, 2018
    La conférence-débat, organisée par l’OCP Policy Center, en association avec Sciences Po Paris Alumni Maroc (AMASP), le 26 avril 2018, autour du livre « Les enjeux du marché du travail au Maroc », et co-dirigé par Karim el Aynaoui et Aomar Ibourk, ne pouvait mieux tomber.  Le  pavé, de quelques 450 pages, bien structuré et fourni en données et en analyses « différenciées mais complémentaires » développées par une brochette d’experts et d’analystes, intervient dans un contexte nation ...
  • Authors
    Will Martin
    April 30, 2018
    Destination-based business cash-flow taxes have received a great deal of attention and are being widely considered as a replacement for traditional, origin-based, corporate taxes. These taxes combine the strong revenue-raising ability of a VAT with an enormously expensive tax deduction for wages. They would certainly be attractive to foreign investors by eliminating the burden of current corporate taxes. However, adopting them at the rates typically discussed would raise consumer pr ...