Institutional Framework Conditions for the Promotion of Private Sector Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation in Morocco

March 14, 2023

The Policy Center for the New South in collaboration with the Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, organize a webinar on the Institutional Framework Conditions for the Promotion of Private Sector Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation in Morocco. The webinar toke place March 14th at 14:00 (GMT +1).

Nowadays, the importance of investing in capacity development (CD) for agricultural innovation is indisputable. It addresses the challenge of integrating farmers into formal value chains and enabling domestic farming to become more climate resilient, productive and sustainable. In other words, CD is at the heart of the nexus between food security and climate change, which has been emphasized at the Climate Conference in Sharm-el-Sheik (COP-27) in November 2022. However, it is often not clear how effective capacity development is and what kind of institutional framework conditions are required to make it more responsive to what farmers need.

In order to learn more about these critical questions, CCRS has conducted national stakeholders surveys in four African countries with Morocco representing the region of Northern Africa. This survey with Moroccon stakeholders has been conducted in strong collaboration with PCN and the analysis of the survey results reveal perception patterns that diverge substantially from the stakeholder perception in the three other country surveys. They also reflect the distinct qualities of the Moroccan agricultural economy and the role of the public sector, not just as a provider of public sector CD but also an enabler of private sector CD. 

Philipp Aerni
Director, Center for the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS)
Dr. Philipp Aerni is Director of the Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) at the School of Management Fribourg (HES-SO). He received his Masters Degree in Geography (with Minors in Environmental Science and Economics) from the University of Zurich and his PhD in Agricultural Economics from ETH Zürich. Prior to his position at CCRS, Dr. Aerni worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, the Institute for Environmental Decisions at ETH Zurich, the World Trade Institute at the University of Berne as well as the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). Philipp Aerni is also a senior lecturer at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. Among numerous other engagements, he is a member of the Jury of the Swiss Family Bu ...
Aniss Bouraqqadi
Head of Agronomy, OCP Africa
Aniss Bouraqqadi is an agronomist, he gathered 23 years experiences in agriculture development in Africa; including 5 years in the seeds business and 12 years in various roles in crop protection with Multinational companies before the current position in fertilizers business as head of R&D at OCP Africa, a subsidiary of OCP Group, present in 12 sub-Saharan African countries to contribute to the sustainable transformation of food systems. He worked on different business aspects linked to R&D, Regulatory, Business Development, Sustainability, Marketing, Sales and Key Accounts Management. ...
Axel D’Hauthuille
Country Manager, Syngenta Morocco
Graduated in 1999 from the ISTOM engineering school - international agro-development school. He started my career as a cocoa and coffee producer in Côte d’Ivoire, then as a buyer and processor of Vanilla in Madagascar before spending 9 years for the Naturex group in the purchase of aromatic and medicinal plants. After a start in the production and purchase of agricultural raw materials, he has been working since 2014 in the distribution of agricultural inputs (6 years in Côte d’Ivoire, for Arysta and 4 years in Morocco for Syngenta) ...
Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub
Senior Economist
Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub, researcher, development specialist, and policy analyst, is a Senior Economist at the Policy Center for the New South. She holds a PhD. in Economics applied to agriculture and an engineering degree in agricultural economics both from the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences. Her research addresses agricultural and rural development including agricultural growth analysis, economic structural change, inter and intra-regional agricultural trade, water management, and food security. She has also taught macroeconomics, microeconomics, and decision-making courses at the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences (IAV), the School of Governance and Economics (EGE), and the Faculty of Governance, Economics, and Social Sciences (FG ...


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