In this episode, Gerold discusses the crucial role of education and entrepreneurship in unlocking opportunities for youth in Southern Africa. The conversation explores innovation ecosystems in the region and the importance of collaboration between entrepreneurs and policymakers to foster growth. Gerold shares his vision for creating a dynamic and sustainable entrepreneurial landscape that empowers young people and drives long-term economic development in Southern Africa.
AuthorsJuly 21, 2015The 16th Annual Global Development Conference has been dedicated this year to the theme of ‘Agriculture for Sustainable Growth: Challenges and Opportunities for a New ‘Green Revolution’. One of the sub-themes that has been addressed during this event is related to the design of the optimal agricultural policy supposed to lead towards development, especially in low-income countries. The objective of this blog is to cover the key elements that make an agricultural policy successful a ...
July 16, 2015Event Title: Instabilité des marchés de matières premières et développement Event Link: Event Date: June 26th, 2015 ...
AuthorsKarim EL MOKRIJuly 6, 2015« Les asymétries et l’instabilité du marché des matières premières dans les pays en développement : politiques et impacts sur le développement », une problématique d’un intérêt particulier pour ces pays, a fait l’objet d’un séminaire de recherche organisé par la Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (Ferdi), les 24 et 25 juin 2015 à Clermont-Ferrand. Cet évènement a été tenu la veille du workshop co-organisé par la Ferdi et OCP Policy Center le 2 ...
AuthorsJune 11, 2015This policy paper provides a comprehensive strategy to help African and international decisionmakers successfully mobilize financial resources and effectively build capacity for improved implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. It discusses the relevance and efficient use of a wide range of tools that can be adopted by development actors, depending on their specific context and goals. Actors evaluated include African countries and regional institutions, “North-South” coun ...