In this episode, Gerold discusses the crucial role of education and entrepreneurship in unlocking opportunities for youth in Southern Africa. The conversation explores innovation ecosystems in the region and the importance of collaboration between entrepreneurs and policymakers to foster growth. Gerold shares his vision for creating a dynamic and sustainable entrepreneurial landscape that empowers young people and drives long-term economic development in Southern Africa.
AuthorsSeptember 21, 2018This blog is based on remarks delivered at the Think-Tank Summit in Buenos Aires on 18 September 2018 held under the G-20’s Argentine Presidency. Africa has an enormous infrastructure gap that impedes its development. The Compact with Africa (CwA) is an international policy initiative sponsored under the German presidency of the G-20 in 2017 designed to bridge that gap. Intended to draw in the private sector in developing Africa’s infrastructure through a combination of Private-Pu ...
AuthorsMouhamadou Moustapha LyTharcisse GuedegbeSeptember 19, 2018La ville de Kigali, au Rwanda, a accueilli du 5 au 8 septembre 2018 le forum de l’AGRA, devenant ainsi la capitale de l’agriculture africaine pendant ces quatre journées. Délégations gouvernementales, partenaires techniques et financiers, chercheurs, universitaires, investisseurs, producteurs, club de réflexion, entre autres, étaient en conclave pour faire l’état des lieux du secteur et mesurer les progrès accomplis sur la route de la transformation de l’agriculture africaine. A t ...
AuthorsSeptember 5, 2018As the world is shifting away from conventional fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources, the power industry is starting to invest more in sustainable clean energy installations rather than the traditional large-scale infrastructures, which rely mainly on oil and coal. Besides its environmental benefits, this shift to renewables is very likely to benefit economic growth as well. A recent study of the International Renewable Energy Agency shows that, indeed, doubling the share ...
AuthorsAnabel GonzalezAugust 30, 2018The agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is a framework to create a free trade area across the region, bringing together the 55 members of the African Union into a continental market with a cumulative Gross Domestic Product (GDP) exceeding US$2.2 trillion and a total population of over one billion people. When concluded and successfully implemented, it will become the largest free trade area in the world in terms of membership, opening up significa ...
AuthorsAugust 13, 2018Depuis la fin de l’année 2017, le président Donald Trump mène plusieurs batailles commerciales, contre différents partenaires, sous prétextes de sauver des emplois industriels américains et de réduire le déficit commercial des États-Unis. S’il est difficile de se prononcer sur les effets des combats commerciaux amorcés par le président Trump, l’importance des opposants et des échanges pour l’économie mondiale en fait une source de risque pour la croissance, les emplois et les prix à ...
AuthorsAugust 1, 2018“This article has been originally published in 'Morocco in Focus 2018,' the magazine of the Moroccan Embassy in New Delhi, India on the occasion of the Morocco National Day 2018.” Introduction In an article published last year, the author stressed the role of partnership between Morocco and India for the inclusive growth of small farmers. There is no doubt that agriculture remains a major instrument for human development both in India and in Africa. Several international reports h ...
AuthorsFrançois GaulmeJuly 20, 2018Cette note vise à mettre en lumière le cycle d’ajustement à la fois financier, économique et politique affectant deux pétro-États d’Afrique centrale, le Gabon et la République du Congo (Congo-Brazzaville). Unis par leur système économique de rente et leur histoire coloniale commune, ces deux pays n’en ont pas moins connu des destins politiques différents après leur indépendance, le premier conservant une relation privilégiée avec la France tandis que le second optait rapidement pour ...
AuthorsMay 31, 2018Salutations Thank you for the invitation to address the 2018 Africa Think Tank Summit in this memorable city of Rabat. I thank in particular, the OCP Policy Center and the Think Tank and Civil Societies Program of the University of Pennsylvania for hosting the Summit with the theme “Deepening Expertise and Enhancing Sustainability: Insight into Contemporary Challenges Facing African Think Tanks”. Rabat, Morocco has been the sprouting ground of numerous agenda-setting instruments ...
AuthorsSabine CessouMay 31, 2018What are the best ways forward to enhance the capacity, increase the impact, and ensure the long term viability of think tanks in Africa? These questions have been debated during the 2nd edition of African Think Tank Summit (ATTS) held in Rabat from May 9th to May 11th. The African think tanks have positively evolved over the years in order to respond to the specific needs of their different countries. They operate as platforms to share knowledge and train young leaders, with some ...
AuthorsMay 31, 2018Avec la refonte des relations entre l’Union Européenne et les pays ACP (Afrique, Caraïbes et Pacifique), prévue pour février 2020, il devient urgent de repenser le cadre du partenariat entre l’Europe et l’Afrique et de proposer des éléments de refondation d’un vouloir vivre collectif. Priorité éducative, création d’emplois pour les jeunes via le développement territorial, promotion des partenariats publicprivé dans les infrastructures, comptent parmi les leviers d’actions possibles. ...