حديث الثلاثاء : ما بعد المرحلة الانتقالية: أي مستقبل ينتظر تشاد

August 6, 2024

في هذه الحلقة من برنامج "حديث الثلاثاء"، نسلط الضوء على أبرز التطورات التي شهدتها تشاد خلال السنوات الأخيرة، ونناقش مراحل الفترة الانتقالية التي انطلقت سنة 2021 و خاصة العودة إلى النظام الدستوري. كما نستعرض تفاصيل الانتخابات الرئاسية التي أجرت في مايو 2024، حيث نركز على التحديات المحتملة وآفاق السياسة الخارجية في ظل جهود الرئيس محمد ديبي لتطوير العلاقات الثنائية مع مختلف الشركاء

Oussama Tayebi
International Relations Specialist
Oussama Tayebi is an International Relations Specialist at the Strategic Analysis & Monitoring Unit of the Policy Center for the New South, where he primarily works on policy and governance issues in the subregion of Central Africa. Oussama holds a Licence degree in political science from the School of Governance and Economics in Rabat and a master’s degree in international relations from Sciences Po Aix. ...
Redouan Najah
International Relations Specialist
Redouan Najah is an International Relations Specialist in the Strategic Monitoring and Analysis Unit of the Policy Center for the New South. His areas of research and publications focus on cyberspace, cyber defense, cybersecurity, Central African countries, and China in Africa. Redouan joined the Policy Center for the New South research team in 2019. He holds a master's degree in Geopolitics and International Relations from Cadi Ayaad University, Marrakech, and a bachelor's degree in Economics and Management, from the Polydisciplinary Faculty, Béni-Mellal. ...


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    Le « Pacte mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières » a été adopté à Marrakech les 10 et 11 décembre 2018, à l’issue de 18 mois de consultations et de négociations. Il est présenté comme le premier accord des Nations unies sur une approche globale des migrations internationales dans toutes ses dimensions. S’il vise à devenir la pierre angulaire d’une gouvernance mondiale des migrations, souhaitée par la communauté internationale, il se heurte pourtant à des priorit ...
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    To read Part II of the blog, click here “We Have No Eternal Allies” Philip Alston was confronted with a special assignment. To write a report for the United Nations on poverty in the world’s fifth economic power in the world, a nation considered as a beacon of democracy, a Kingdom represented by a queen, not only adored by readers of glossy gossip magazines, but also by progressives and left wing intellectuals, even those who believe royalty is a waste of money, and their wealth a ...
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    La conférence Atlantic Dialogues, organisée par le Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) à Marrakech, du 13 au 15 décembre 2018, a fait l’objet d’une couverture presse exceptionnelle, avec plus de 50 sujets traités au Maroc, en français et en arabe, ainsi qu’une dizaine de papiers à l’étranger. La presse nationale a largement annoncé l’ouverture de la conférence et la parution du rapport Atlantic Currents. Elle a retenu des trois jours de débats l’essor du populisme (LesEco.ma, Ma ...
  • Authors
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    Without reforms, financial markets’ optimism may crumble – and bring the house down. Judging by the reaction of financial markets, the Brazilian economy started the year at high speed. The real is among the world’s best-performing currencies so far in 2019 and the main stock market index Ibovespa hit a string of record highs leading into last week, when it broke the 97,000-point mark. Future interest rates have fallen sharply.  Foreign investors are buying in as well. The premium ...