This podcast is performed by Cristina Barrios. As the EU shapes its new Global Strategy, the strategy for Africa is to trigger “a virtuous circle in the development-security-migration nex ...
Suriname is facing twin - external and fiscal - deficits that originated in the commodity price slump of recent years. In response, the Surinamese government started a four-pronged adjustment program in August 2015 to adapt to new circumstances.
Falling commodity prices led to multiple shocks on the Surinamese economy...
On the back of favorable commodity prices and appropriate domestic policies, the Surinamese economy grew at an average rate of 5% per year - amongst the highest i ...
Latin American economies are facing two historically defining challenges. First, how to cope with the end of the commodities “super-cycle” and the prospect of a long period of low prices for basic natural resources. After all, raw materials production and semi-industrialized goods encompass most of their comparative advantages. Second, and even more exacting, how to adjust to the present disruptive transition from an old to a new global economic and social model. The 20th century in ...
Géographiquement l’Egypte se trouve au carrefour de plusieurs espaces parfois présentant une certaine homogénéité et parfois contradictoires. Ces espaces lui offrent de multiples opportunités de positionnement dans la région et dans le monde. Mais, le pays est mis dans l’obligation de gérer les contradictions de son voisinage. Dans un autre registre, celui de l’histoire l’Egypte hérite d’un passé de leadership qu’elle ne peut maintenir faute de capacité d’influence adéquate. Ses moy ...