( FR ) Plenary X: Tiempos de Cambio en América Latina: Nuevos Vientos en Busca de Una Voz del Sur

December 14, 2019

Modera Lourival Sant’Anna, Periodista de Asuntes Exteriores, O Estado de Sao Paulo y CBN Radio Ponentes Jamil Mahuad, Expresidente, República del Ecuador Federico Ramón Puerta, Expresidente; Embajador de la República Argentina en España



  • Authors
    Leonardo Parraga
    September 5, 2019
    Leonardo Parraga is an alumnus of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program 2016.  The rise of globalization has given space to cooperation across borders in unprecedented ways. The interconnectedness between different actors allows for the creation of synergies and catalyzing progress in different areas, a feature that was previously unthinkable. When it comes to cooperation amongst young people, the increasing wave of meeting spaces facilitating the encounters between youth ...
  • Authors
    Renato Schwambach Vieira
    Miguel Stevanato Jacob
    Ana Waksberg Guerrini
    Eduardo Germani
    Fernando Barreto
    Miguel Luiz Bucalem
    Pedro Levy Sayon
    June 3, 2019
    This paper estimates the socioeconomic impacts of the emergence and expansion of e-hailing services in São Paulo, Brazil. Combining data from a major service provider, individual level data from a representative travel diary survey and a structural traffic network simulation, we evaluate the impact of e-hailing on commuters' travel time and accessibility. We then estimate the effect of these changes on workers' productivity. Finally, using a Spatial Computable General Equilibrium (S ...
  • Authors
    May 21, 2019
    Throughout my last 15 years working in multilateral institutions, many times around the world I was asked to speak about the success of poverty reduction in Brazil during the new millennium. Last week, someone who was on such an occasion in October 2013 in Nairobi asked me what my numbers had become after these recent years of precarious macroeconomic performance and high unemployment in the country. I replied that they have changed ... in part! Indeed, the fact that, even without ...
  • Authors
    August 27, 2018
    Latin America is up against a momentous year on multiple fronts. On one hand, game-changing national elections in six countries, including three of its largest – Brazil, Mexico and Colombia – are poised to reshape the political scenario in the region. In parallel, the economic agenda is front and center of countries’ efforts to overcome imbalances, implement reforms and accelerate growth. As a backdrop to all this, an important feminist movement is unfolding on the heels of a year m ...
  • Authors
    August 13, 2018
    The Brazilian economy pays a price in terms of productivity foregone because of its lack of trade openness. A trade opening process would bring an adjustment impact that could nonetheless be mitigated with public policies that facilitate labor mobility and job migration. Benefits from trade opening would also hinge on policy improvements in complementary areas, such as infrastructure investments, business environment and others. The Brazilian economy would benefit from opening trad ...
  • Authors
    March 7, 2018
    Brazilian conditional cash transfers are small amounts of money the government distributes directly to very poor households on condition that their children attend school and are vaccinated. The money goes to the women of the household, because research undertaken in the 1990s – and later confirmed in other countries – showed an increase in babies' height and weight when women have more control over household income. Greater control over household resources by women can strengthen a ...