December 14, 2018AD TALK: MEDITERRANEAN AND NORTH AFRICAN DIMENSIONS OF THE ATLANTIC DYNAMICS Moderator Jeff Koinange, Senior Anchor, Citizen Television Speakers Amre Moussa, Former Secretary-General of the Arab League, Egypt Miguel Angel Moratinos, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain PLENARY IV: ...
December 14, 2018PLENARY VII: 10 YEARS AFTER THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL CRISIS: IS THE NEXT ONE LOOMING? Moderator Yinka Adegoke, Editor, Quartz Africa Speakers Rym Ayadi, Professor, CASS Business School Othman El Ferdaous, Secretary of State in charge of Investment, Ministry of Industry, Investment, T...
December 14, 2018PLENARY III: CAN NATO SURVIVE THE SHIFTING GEOPOLITICAL ORDER? Moderator Kimberly Dozier, CNN & Daily Beast Contributor Speakers Michelle Ndiaye, Director Africa Peace, and Security Programme, Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, Former Foreign Mini...
AuthorsEric NtumbaHafsat AbiolaMbuih ZukaneMohamed BenaïssaPaulo Antonio ParanaguaSoukeyna Ndiaye BaTharcisse GuèdègbéYassine MsadfaYounes AbouyoubYoussef MahmoudDecember 13, 2018The yearly Atlantic Currents publication aims to provide a detailed analysis and a fresh perspective about ongoing cultural, economic, political and security dynamics that are shaping the wider Atlantic area today. Launched in December during the Atlantic Dialogues Conference, previous editions explored ways to change mental maps and examined promising opportunities for the African continent. The chapters in this edition of the Atlantic Currents aim to cover key issues and choke po ...
(FR) WELCOMING REMARKS - OPENING CONVERSATION & PLENARY I: NORTH-SOUTH CONTRASTING DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDDecember 13, 2018AD CONNECT Lilia Rizk, Program Officer, Policy Center for the New South WELCOMING REMARKS Karim El Aynaoui, Managing Director, Policy Center for the New South INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Mohcine Jazouli, Minister Delegate in charge of African Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Intern...
December 13, 2018Moderator John Yearwood, Executive Board, International Press Institute Speakers Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South Anabel Gonzalez, Former Minister of Foreign Trade, Republic of Costa Rica Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz, Founder and Chief Executive, International Centre...
(EN) WELCOMING REMARKS - OPENING CONVERSATION & PLENARY I: NORTH-SOUTH CONTRASTING DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDDecember 13, 2018AD CONNECT Lilia Rizk, Program Officer, Policy Center for the New South WELCOMING REMARKS Karim El Aynaoui, Managing Director, Policy Center for the New South INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Mohcine Jazouli, Minister Delegate in charge of African Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Intern...