AuthorsOctober 9, 2019S’il existe un pays dans le monde où le concept du Soft Power prend pleinement sens et substance, ça serait fort probablement la Suède. Ce pays détient remarquablement toutes les composantes du Soft Power identifiées par le géopolitologue américain Joseph Nye dans son article paru en 2006 dans la revue Foreign Policy à savoir : la culture, les valeurs politiques et la politique étrangère. Située à proximité de l’océan glacial arctique, au Nord, la mer baltique, à l’Est, et les mers ...
AuthorsOctober 9, 2019This paper suggests that tribal dynamics of power structure are key in reestablishing peace and development in the region. The Sahel region’s security challenges are directly influenced by tribalism and ethnic dynamics. In recent decades mistreatment, favoritism, and corruption allowed criminality and multidimensional conflicts to flourish. This is evident in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Libya, and Chad. Lightly governed and poorly secured regions in these countries became more strate ...
AuthorsAmine BennisOctober 7, 2019A few months ago, Indian Prime Minister Modi announced that his country had improved its space capabilities by shooting down from Earth a low orbit satellite that was 300 km away in space. Most commentators assume that the destroyed target was an Indian satellite, presumably outdated or no longer fully functioning. Modi further reassured the international community by stating that the technology will only be used for security, peace, and development purposes, and that the act did no ...
AuthorsOctober 4, 2019Massive and sometimes violent protests have been setting the pace in Hong Kong for over 100 days. Demonstrators have put forward five demands, amongst which a democratic system of local rule, not controlled by Beijing. Below is an international press review of the Hong Kong political crisis by Helmut Sorge, former Foreign editor, and Middle East expert for Germany's leading newsmagazine "Der Spiegel", and columnist at the Policy Center for the New South. Ta Kung Pao, a Hong Kon ...
October 4, 2019Questions: 1/ You mentioned in your presentation that Chinese Investments in Africa are well balanced. Can you elaborate accordingly? 2/ How would you define the Chinese Soft Power in Africa? 3/ How to explain China's interest for new African partners, including its recent commitment fo...
AuthorsOctober 3, 2019There is no doubt that China's 70th Anniversary celebration was the display of a new world superpower. From the military parade to the issuance of a paper reporting China's role in the New Era, it is clear that the country, whose current political system was established on 1 October 1949, is much different, more assertive and with a clear perspective of the role it wants to play in the international scenario. Everywhere in Beijing, the Chinese National Anthem was played, reminding t ...
AuthorsOctober 3, 2019La Russie et l’Afrique se connaissent depuis le XVe siècle. Leurs liens se sont renforcés et officialisés à partir du 19ème siècle et, depuis, l’empire et le continent entretiennent des relations continues, quoique connaissant, parfois, et au gré des conjonctures, quelques moments de léthargie. Ces dernières années, médias et littérature des relations internationales ne cessent de mettre aux premières loges un certain ‘’Retour’’ de la Russie en Afrique, une Afrique où interviennent ...
AuthorsSous la direction deOctober 2, 2019Le Rapport sur l’économie de l’Afrique s’inscrit dans une série de documents annuels publiés par le Policy Center for the New South (PCNS). Les grandes évolutions économiques du continent y sont traitées, avec une large place faite à l’analyse prospective. Ce rapport s’ajoute ainsi au Rapport annuel sur la géopolitique de l’Afrique et l'Annual Report on Commodity Analytics and Dynamics in Africa (Arcadia), écrits par des chercheurs issus du Nord comme du Sud. Le Rapport sur l’écono ...
AuthorsOctober 2, 2019With India looking more towards Africa as a home for sustainable partners, it is also looking at diversifying the areas of collaboration with several African countries, especially with Morocco. As early as 1967, India’s then Vice-President Zakir Hussain visited Morocco and set the tone for engagement between both countries. The latter has established diplomatic relations based on mutual understanding, tolerance and respect. Since then, the two countries have enjoyed fruitful relatio ...
AuthorsNor-eddine OUMANSOURMohamed AZEROUALSarra BAHIJOctober 2, 2019Cet article analyse les retombées des transferts de fonds des migrants sur la croissance économique et sur l’investissement domestique des pays africains. A cette fin, nous avons utilisé la Méthode des Moments Généralisés en Système en panels dynamiques pour un échantillon de 34 pays sur la période 1980-2016. Les principaux résultats des estimations effectuées montrent que les transferts de fonds des migrants exercent un effet significatif et positif sur la croissance économique et ...