Digital: Strengthening of its social impact and new development perspectives

May 21, 2020

Digital advances have greatly impacted all facets of the world that surrounds us, be it through the way we conduct business, produce and manufacture, interact with each other, or even wage war. The outbreak that led to today’s pandemic of COVID-19 is a prime example of how intricately connected our world is. The Policy Center for the New South is mobilizing its resources on understanding these new and shifting dynamics, endeavoring to help the research effort in Morocco, Africa, and worldwide during these uncertain times. The social impact of the digital revolution is opening new development perspectives. • What impacts has the digital sphere had on the COVID-19 response of your country? • What are the new social impacts derived from the digital revolution? • What new development perspectives can be brought about through digital advances?

Hanae Bezad
CEO, Douar Tech, Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program (ADEL) alumnus


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