Des émergents au défi du « retour de la géopolitique » - 3ème édition

January 14, 2016
Moubarack Lo
Senior Fellow
Moubarak Lo is Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and President of the Emergence Institute, specializing in economic and statistical studies and strategic planning, and who focuses on Economic Growth & Development, and Applied Statistics. He was Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, Chief Economist of the Prime Minister and Coordinator of the Economic and Social Analysis Unit. Previously, he was deputy director in the Cabinet of Macky Sall, president of the Republic of Senegal. He also served as an economic advisor to Prime Ministers Habib Thiam, Moustapha Niasse, and Mamadou Lamine Loum, as well as the Office of the Minister of Economy and Finance. He is an expert for the UN, the African Development Bank, the World Bank, the African Union, and Economic ...
Jalal Abdel-Latif
Senior Fellow
Jalal Abdel-Latif is Senior Fellow at Policy Center for the New South and Senior Social Policy Advisor, Gender and Poverty, Social Policy Division, UNECA. Jalal has over 25 years of professional experience in the areas of corporate social responsibility, civic engagement, grant making, project design and enhancing the capacities of non-profit organizations. He began his career as researcher and capacity analyst at UCLA African studies center, before working as Grants manager for USA for Africa (the We Are the World project) in California. He was also a co-founder and CEO of Inter-Africa Group, a regional think thank.  He was previously appointed by the late Prime Minister of Ethiopia to serve on the Ethiopian Telecommunications Board of Directors to assist in its modernization ...
Sophie Boisseau du Rocher
Associate Research Fellow, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri
Sophie Boisseau du Rocher is a senior research fellow specializing in Southeast Asian politics, geostrategic affairs and regional integration. She is the author of numerous books and articles, including Le Cambodge, la survie d’un peuple (Belin, Paris, 2011), L’Asie du Sud-Est prise au piège (Perrin, Paris, 2009) and L’ASEAN et la construction régionale en Asie du Sud-Est (L’Harmattan, Paris, 1997). She also edited the Annuaire de l’Asie orientale (Yearbook on East Asia) for the Documentation française (2006 – 2012). Dr. Boisseau du Rocher holds a PhD in Political Science from Sciences Po, Paris (1996) and has previously taught at Sciences Po Paris, Sciences Po Le Havre (Asia campus), the Institut des hautes Etudes de la Défense nationale (IHEDN), and the Collège Inter-Armé de ...
Victor Magnani
Ancien Chargé de projets, Centre Afrique subsaharienne de l'Ifri
Victor Magnani est diplômé de Science Politique avec la spécialité Etudes Africaines à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Il a connu différentes expériences professionnelles en Afrique du Sud (Consulat de France au Cap, Parlement de la République sud-africaine, Institut français d'Afrique du Sud) avant de rejoindre le Centre Afrique subsaharienne de l'Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri) en mai 2015. Ses travaux portent sur les élections et les partis politiques dans deux pays en particulier, l’Afrique du Sud et le Zimbabwe. Victor Magnani a coordonné de 2016 à 2020 l'Observatoire de l'Afrique centrale et australe en collaboration avec le Ministère français des Armées.  ...


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    Dans un pays aussi stable que l’Allemagne, les changements de Chancelier sont rares. Angela Merkel est restée seize ans au pouvoir, tout comme en son temps Helmut Kohl. La nouvelle coalition à trois partis (sociaux-démocrates, verts, libéraux) entend faire bouger le pays. Comment l’Afrique doit-elle aborder le nouveau pouvoir ? Celui-ci peut-il insuffler de la dynamique aux relations euro-africaines ? Peut-on attendre de Berlin une appréhension fine des enjeux de développement et de ...
  • December 10, 2021
    The Cabo insurgency constitutes one of the most significant threats to peace and security in Southern Africa subregion. This podcast explores the various challenges the insurgency in this ...
  • Authors
    Patricia Ahanda
    December 7, 2021
    Le 28ème Sommet Afrique-France, tenu à Montpellier le 8 octobre 2021, s’inscrit dans une lignée d’actions promues par le président français Emmanuel Macron pour renforcer la coopération entre la France et l’Afrique. Ces initiatives interviennent dans un contexte national (France) marqué par la recrudescence du thème de l’immigration africaine et international où l’Afrique est le terrain d’une nouvelle compétition géopolitique, avec la présence de puissances telles que la Russie et l ...
  • Authors
    Seleman Yusuph Kitenge
    December 1, 2021
    Tanzania has been closely following the evolution of the security situation in the region of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique. Worsening living conditions and safety in this bordering region suggest the eruption of a multifaceted security and human threat of transnational magnitude. This paper looks at the different cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic ties that link Tanzania and Mozambique, while exploring how the security situation in Cabo Delgado might impact national security in T ...
  • November 30, 2021
    Almost three years since the ousting of former president Omar al-Bashir, and the formation of a transitional government composed of civilians and members of the military, the situation in Sudan is far from stable. Indeed, although progress has been achieved since December 2018, the democratic transition remains very fragile, with the political and economic sectors still facing significant uncertainty. This paper explains the fragility of the Sudanese transition, plagued by decades o ...
  • Authors
    November 25, 2021
    Le présent Policy Brief suggère l’émergence d’une conscience géo-maritime au Maroc. Surtout, il expose un certain nombre de leviers qui pourraient être mobilisés par le pays (II) pour faire face aux enjeux que recèlent ses espaces maritimes et conforter son positionnement géopolitique global (I). ...
  • Authors
    November 15, 2021
    Hisham Aidi chose a diplomatic version for fading freedom, growing populism, mental torture, perversion of truth and imprisonment- turning his Policy Brief "Covid-19 and Digital Repression in Africa" to "democratic retrenchment" and "imperial overreach". No mention of George Orwell's "Science fiction "oeuvre, of which George Parker wrote in "The Atlantic" ( July 2019°): "No novel of the past century has had more influence than George Orwell's "1984". Possibly Aidi did not detect an ...