In this interview with Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan, Senior Researcher, Danube Institute, Hungary, we explore the understanding of counterterrorism, focusing on terrorist recruitment processes and effective countermeasures. We examine the mechanisms of recruitment, strategies in counterterrorism efforts, and methods for identifying targeted groups and leveraging recruitment networks.
AuthorsSeptember 13, 2021The fifth African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO) was held from June 21-23, 2021, under the theme ‘Women, Peace, and Security in Africa’. The three- day event, hosted and organized by the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), was composed of four panels and three workshops: • Panel 1: Bolstering Women’s Role in Conflict Prevention and Resolution • Panel 2: Integrating & Reinforcing The Gender Dimension in Security and Defense • Panel 3: Understanding to Act Bett ...
Youssef Tobi & Abdelhak BassouJuly 09, 2021Dans ce podcast Abdelhak Bassou décrypte l’impact de la pandémie COVID-19 sur les activités terroristes en Afrique de l’ouest. En abordant les données géopolitiques antérieures à la pande ...
AuthorsJune 25, 2021The German town of Dinslaken, roughly 70,000 residents, has not really made a mark on history, but the former coal mining community still managed to get onto the front pages of national newspapers. Dinslaken became a hotspot for German jihadis, ready to join the radical Islamic State. Between 2011 and 2013 an Islamic group, 25 members, rented space just next to the office of the local commissioner of integration. About half of the group followed the call to arms, to fight the infide ...
June 23, 2021Les événements survenus ces sept dernières années en Irak et en Syrie constituent l'une des pages les plus sombres de l'histoire récente. Ce que l'on appelle l'État islamique (ÉI) a réussi à contrôler une zone de la taille de la Grande-Bretagne et à soumettre ses habitants d'une main de...
June 23, 2021The events in Iraq and Syria over the last seven years constitute one of the darkest pages in recent history. The so-called Islamic State (IS) managed to control an area the size of Britain and dominated its residents with an iron fist. It subjugated, terrorized and confiscated property...
AuthorsSous la direction deJoseph Alain SissaoYazid BenhaddaHanae BezadAfua Boatemaa YakoheneSalma DaoudiHajar El AlaouiSouha MajidiAlioune NdiayeJo Ann Takyiwah SackeyJune 23, 2021Cette édition du Rapport géopolitique de l’Afrique, la quatrième, s’inscrit dans la droite ligne de la philosophie et de l’esprit du Policy Center for the New South, qui milite pour une Afrique partie intégrante du Sud global et acteur, en devenir, dans les affaires mondiales. L’Afrique comme continent et comme espace est le théâtre où se déploient les actions des Africains pour réagir et interagir avec les conjonctures internationales, et l’Afrique comme populations et institutions ...
June 22, 2021PANEL 3 : COMPRENDRE POUR MIEUX AGIR : LES DIFFÉRENTS RÔLES DES FEMMES DANS L'EXTRÉMISME VIOLENT Président : Zineb BENALLA, PDG et fondatrice, Eirene Associates Int. Conférenciers : - Rida Lyammouri, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South - Nayanka Paquete Perdigão, assoc...
June 4, 2021Pour ce troisième épisode, Abdelhak Bassou évoque la menace terroriste au Sahel et les moyens de la combattre dans la région. En présentant le G5 Sahel et son rôle, notre spécialiste nous apporte une vision panoramique des enjeux sécuritaire dans la région. ...
AuthorsMay 20, 2021The fourth edition of the African Peace & Security Annual Conference (APSACO) was held on September 23-25, 2020 under the theme ‘COVID-19 & Security in Africa.’ The three-day event, organized by the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), was composed of two panels and two workshops: - Panel 1: The Security Sector in Africa During and After the COVID-19 Health Crisis - Panel 2: The Privatization of Violence in Africa: Non-State Armed Groups and Private Security - Workshop ...