AuthorsLaura El-KatiriSeptember 7, 2016Climate change is an increasingly integral part of our reality. Over the coming decades, global warming will affect our socio-economic development, human health, our availability of food, water along with our ecosystems and wildlife, more than we are likely able to imagine. The Paris Agreement, adopted last year in December at 21st session of Conference of the Parties (COP 21) by 196 parties (195 countries and the European Union) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNF ...
AuthorsLaura El-KatiriSeptember 7, 2016Climate change is an increasingly integral part of our reality. Over the coming decades, global warming will affect our socio-economic development, human health, our availability of food, water along with our ecosystems and wildlife, more than we are likely able to imagine. The Paris Agreement, adopted last year in December at 21st session of Conference of the Parties (COP 21) by 196 parties (195 countries and the European Union) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNF ...
Moubarack LoSeptember 07, 2016Ce podcast est délivré par Moubarack Lo. Cette présentation a pour objet de définir une théorie de l’émergence économique, qui constitue une étape vers la convergence avec les pays dévelo ...
Matthieu TardisSeptember 06, 2016Ce podcast est délivré par Matthieu Tardis. En août 2015, plus de 100 000 personnes arrivent sur les côtes européennes. S’ouvre alors une nouvelle crise existentielle pour l’Union europée ...
AuthorsAugust 31, 2016Following the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, we published part 1 of this policy series, presenting a comprehensive analytical and predictive model explaining the key factors leading to failure or success of DRM strategies in Africa. In part 2, we provide concrete illustrations of actionable solutions in order to help policy leaders implement DRM successfully for effective delivery of the SDGs. ...
Marcus Vinicius de FreitasAugust 27, 2016This podcast is performed by Marcus de Freitas. Energy security is essential for securing growth and development in the future. It is even more relevant than military power. Countries sho ...