AuthorsNovember 13, 2019The growth slowdown became evident in late 2017. World GDP at market exchange rates slowed from a seasonally adjusted annual rate of between 4 and 5% in the second half of 2017 to between 1.5% to 2% in the first half of 2019. The slowdown came as a big surprise and led to continuous revisions downwards of growth forecasts as shown yet again by the IMF’s World Economic Outlook issued last week. Nearly all observers and experts had expected the expansion of 2016/2017 to continue. Tha ...
November 13, 2019The 8th edition of the Atlantic Dialogues conference is on its way ! From 12 to 14 December 2019, Marrakesh will host leaders from the Atlantic Bassin to connect, debate and inspire on building new mental maps around the Southern Atlantic, on sharing ideas and on boosting the Atlantic r...
Les crypto-monnaies, unités de compte cryptées ou monnaie cryptée : le cas du Bitcoin et de la LibraAuthorsNovember 13, 2019La décennie 2009-2019 a vu se développer les crypto-monnaies. Ce que certains appellent des unités de compte cryptées. Cette étude est consacrée à deux d’entre elles : le Bitcoin, créé en 2009, et la Libra, dont les premières devraient apparaître en 2020. Deux crypto-monnaies qui peuvent s’opposer ou se compléter. Unité de compte reconnue, le Bitcoin va vite apparaître aussi spéculatif, l’éloignant du caractère monétaire que certains veulent lui attribuer. A l’inverse, la Libra, mon ...
November 12, 2019Questions : 1/ Les révoltes en cours au Liban et en Irak annoncent-elles la fin du confessionnalisme et des équilibres communautaires dans les systèmes politiques des deux pays ? 2/ A qui profitent ces soulèvements populaires ? 3/ Ne risque-t-on pas d’assister à un effet domino dans la ...
November 12, 2019Questions: 1/ Do you think that the larger polluters will one day make possible an agreement aimed at the reduction of CO2 emissions? 2/ Do you believe that there is little hope that the polluting countries will reduce much more than they pollute ? How do you explain your pessimism? 3/ ...
AuthorsNovember 8, 2019The Trump government has been imposing restrictions on access to technologies by Chinese telecommunications firms. Why and what are the consequences? The Federal Communications Commission is about to ban carriers from using government funds to buy equipment from Huawei and ZTE. Other government agencies are expected to take similar measures. This is just the latest episode of a gradual squeeze that the Trump government has been giving over China's telecommunications giant Huawei, ...
November 8, 2019Questions: 1/ Apparently, a potentially new element of tension is entering the Middle East, nuclear arms of Ankara- What is happening? 2/ If Turkey and Iran are both nuclear armed, what will be the consequences? 3/ How likely will it be that Turkey really makes such a dramatic step? ...
Interview with Ghita Mezzour, Associate Professor (Rabat International University), on CybersecurityNovember 8, 2019Questions: 1) To what extent can the social dimension help fight cybercrime? 2) What is the added value of cybersecurity for the military institutions? 3) What is your appreciation of the current state of cybersecurity in the world? ...