December 14, 2019




  • July 7, 2020
    La crise de la COVID-19 aura été tant un point de départ que le révélateur de profonds bouleversements économiques, sociaux, et humains au Maroc et dans le reste du monde. Cette pandémie aura également été à l’origine d’un vent d’incertitude pour les populations, entraînant ainsi de fortes répercussions sur la santé publique, la quiétude de l’humain et sa sécurité. En effet, les dimensions sécuritaire et sanitaire, ainsi que les enjeux posés, ont contribué à la consécration de l’Eta ...
  • Authors
    Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in partnerships with the Policy Center for the New South and EastWest Institute
    July 3, 2020
    The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have enormous economic potential with remarkable natural resources and industrial production capacities. While considerable progress for economic reforms has been reached already, a deeper regional integration and stronger cooperation can provide the needed impetus for facilitated development and upgraded national as well as regional economic structures in the wider region. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) present significant untapped potential, ...
  • July 3, 2020
    Our Senior Fellow and professor at the University Abdelmalek Essaadi (Tangier) Rachid El Houdaigui, contributed with a chapter on « The South Atlantic, a Space under Construction » in Idn Cadernos (nstituto daDefesaNacional) n°38, the Academic journal of the Atlantic Centre for Defence Capacity Building. This paper was presented – along other experts from countries bordering the Atlantic basin and beyond- in the context of Rachid El Houdaigui’s participation in the first seminar org ...
  • Authors
    July 3, 2020
    The unshaven man, who did not let go of his Kalashnikoff while we talked, had been wounded in battles with Israeli troops, and was now hiding in the land that those troops had occupied—the Jordan Valley. Yasser Arafat, whom I met for the first time in the spring of 1968 at his secret base, was then still known as Abu Ammar, willing to sacrifice his life for the liberation of his people dispersed by around the world, particularly in neighboring Arab nations. The 1968 interview, Arafa ...
  • Authors
    Alioune Sall
    Moubarack Lo
    July 2, 2020
    La transformation de la Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) en « confédération d’Etats » est parfois évoquée, y compris au niveau des Chefs d’Etat de la Communauté, comme une prochaine étape naturelle du processus d’approfondissement de l’intégration en Afrique de l’Ouest. La présente étude a pour objet d’en explorer la faisabilité et la pertinence, en se fondant sur l’expérience vécue dans d’autres continents. Une Confédération d’Etats peut être défini ...
  • July 1, 2020
    Sur fond d’accusations mutuelles d’absence de volonté politique pour faire aboutir les négociations tripartites impliquant l’Egypte, l’Ethiopie et le Soudan, sur la mise en service du “Grand Barrage de la Renaissance Éthiopienne”  (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam -GERD), l’Egypte et l’Ethiopie continuent d’alterner des signaux de provocation et d’apaisement. Cette tension gagne en intensité au fur et à mesure que s’approche le mois de juillet, marquant le début du remplissage du ba ...
  • July 1, 2020
    Sur fond d’accusations mutuelles d’absence de volonté politique pour faire aboutir les négociations tripartites surla mise en service du “Grand Barrage de la Renaissance Éthiopienne” (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam -GERD),l’Egypte et l’Ethiopie continuent d’alterner des signaux de provocation et d’apaisement. Cette tension gagne en intensité au fur et à mesure que s’approche la saison des pluies (juillet à septembre) quel’Ethiopie compte mettre à profit pour remplir le barrage et q ...
  • Authors
    Datu Sadja Matthew Pajares Yngson
    June 30, 2020
    Unless trade wars end around the globe, the world is headed for the biggest recession in living memory. The crisis arising from the coronavirus will hit fragile economies in Africa, the Pacific, and the Caribbean the hardest. At such a time, the world should be dropping barriers but, instead, new barriers are being built. In the past month, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened retaliation against India unless it released supplies of hydroxychloroquine. Worse still, he got his way ...
  • Authors
    June 30, 2020
    Prior to the colonial era, money issuance in West Africa depended on slave trade. With the advent of the colonialrule, silver coins were imported then progressively imposed as a tool of coercion. The post-colonial trajectory wasdifferent for former British and French colonies. While the former regained their monetary sovereignty, the lattercontinued under a monetary union under the auspices of France. The proposal of the Eco as a single currency forECOWAS is therefore a whole new st ...
  • Authors
    Youssef Eddazi
    June 30, 2020
    Russia is trying to gain a foothold in Africa via subversion and disinformation tactics. Under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, Russia increased its interference in Africa by sending mercenaries to show force as opposed to making direct security interventions. At the same time, Russia struck arms deals and plans to expand its military presence. Russia also used social and broadcast media to support national leaders and other actors involved in conflicts. Although Russia’s ...