September 18, 2023Mexico's federal government and Morocco’s central government have traditionally played an important role in the domestic market via their management of economic policies and their extensive reach in some sectors of the economy. Recent administrations had followed prudent and credible ec...
by Oumayma Bourhriba and Otaviano CanutoSeptember 15, 2023The global economy is on the path to recovery following the dual challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. While there are promising signs of short-term progre ...
AuthorsPepe ZhangSeptember 14, 2023This publication was originally published in Project Syndicate WASHINGTON, DC – The world economy remains beset by challenges, from tight monetary, financial, and fiscal conditions to the effects of the war in Ukraine. These headwinds are impeding global growth – which is expected to slow to 3% this year, compared to 3.5% in 2022 – and damaging lives and livelihoods, with poverty and food insecurity on the rise, particularly in developing countries. In addressing the complex an ...
AuthorsSeptember 7, 2023Le développement industriel au Maroc a connu globalement une croissance soutenue durant les deux dernières décennies. Des locomotives ont contribué à l’émergence et à la consolidation d’écosystèmes industriels compétitifs et résilients. Leur rôle moteur et catalyseur, appuyé par un ensemble d’initiatives portées par des politiques publiques volontaristes, ont permis de placer le Maroc dans des chaînes de valeur mondiales et dans des secteurs de haute technologie. La ...
September 5, 2023Developing countries face many challenges in mobilising private sector investment for sustainable infrastructure projects. Solutions include international cooperation and common environmental, social and governance (ESG) taxonomies. To close the climate finance gap, we need additional p...
AuthorsSeptember 5, 2023This paper was originally published on COP27 reached a breakthrough agreement on a new loss and damage fund for vulnerable countries and opened the door for a review of the international financial architecture. Ahead of COP28 at the end of 2023, the AU-EU partnership can help drive global climate change and energy transition agendas forward. A fruitful collaboration between the two continents starts with the following: • Africa and Europe must find common ground to ma ...
AuthorsSeptember 4, 2023À l’approche du Sommet africain du climat (Africa Climate Summit), qui se tiendra à Nairobi du 4 au 6 septembre 2023, de très nombreuses organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) ont écrit au président du Kenya, William Ruto, pour lui faire part de leurs inquiétudes concernant l’ordre du jour de ce sommet. Selon ces ONG, les intérêts des entreprises et des pays occidentaux pourraient prendre le pas sur ceux de l’Afrique. Les vraies priorités sont notamment d’éliminer progressivement ...
September 1, 2023In our discussion with Alejandro Werner, Founding Director of the Georgetown Americas Institute, he shares insights from his experiences in Latin America. Werner highlights the impactful policies and reforms that have championed inclusive growth. Additionally, he delves into the challen...
AuthorsAugust 30, 2023This Book was originally published on This book examines regional structural challenges on Colombia’s path to sustainable social cohesion and regionally inclusive growth. These challenges can be divided into three main groups: (i) those that focus on competitiveness and the supply side, (ii) those that arise from critical business cycle issues on the demand side, and (iii) those concerning environmental sustainability, employment and social inclusion. The contribu ...
August 29, 2023In this conversation, Ms. Lina Khatib, the Director of SOAS University's Middle East Institute, delves deep into pressing regional issues. She highlights what policymakers can do to ensure the equitable distribution of economic development benefits and prevent any regression. Khatib als...