Climate Change: The Big Challenge

October 11, 2023


- Indermit Gill, Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for Development Economics, World Bank Group


- Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Former Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission of India


Rim Berahab, Senior Economist, Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)

- Ingrid Gabriela Hoven, Managing Director, GIZ – German Development Agency

- Lord Nicholas Stern, Professor and IG Patel Chair of Economics and Government, London School of Economics (LSE)

- Hasan Tuluy, Senior Associate, Centennial Group


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    Benjamin Augé
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    Les découvertes géantes de gaz au Mozambique, soit 160 trillions de pieds cubes (4 530 milliards de mètres cubes), vont permettre à ce pays très pauvre (6 e produit national brut [PNB] par habitant – le plus faible du continent africain) de devenir un des futurs grands producteurs de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) au monde d’ici deux décennies. La plupart des majors occidentales et asiatiques sont théoriquement prêtes à investir plus d’une centaine de milliards de dollars (Mds de $) dan ...
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    Sandra Polónia Rios
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    A previous CINDES’ policy brief, issued in May 2019, addressed the first months of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s foreign policy. According to its conclusions, there were “strong indications that a rupture in Brazil’s foreign policy is deliberately being promoted”, at the economic as well as the political level. Taking stock of the evolution of Bolsonaro’s foreign policy in the eighteen months of his tenure as President, this second brief discusses to what extent the intended ...