- Indermit Gill, économiste en chef et premier vice-président pour l'économie du développement, Groupe de la Banque mondiale
- Montek Singh Ahluwalia, ancien vice-président de la Commission de planification de l'Inde
- Rim Berahab, économiste en chef, Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)
- Ingrid Gabriela Hoven, directrice générale, GIZ - Agence allemande de développement
- Lord Nicholas Stern, professeur et titulaire de la chaire IG Patel d'économie et de gouvernement, London School of Economics (LSE)
- Hasan Tuluy, associé principal, Centennial Group
Abdelhak BassouMay 04, 2017Ce podcast est présenté par M. Abdelhak Bassou. A la lumière de son Policy Brief, M. Bassou s’attarde sur la définition des combattants terroristes étrangers, l’entrainement étudié et cib ...
Uri DadushMay 02, 2017Ce podcast est présenté par M. Uri Dadush. Alors que la résurgence des politiques protectionnistes semble rendre une aggravation sensible des frictions commerciales inévitable, M. Daduch ...
AuthorsMay 2, 2017Africa’s population is projected to reach almost 2.5 billion by 2050. Migration from Africa to the EU is relatively stable, at around 500,000 migrants per year, or 0.1 percent of the EU population, yet irregular immigration into the EU has increased recently. Development is often seen as the way to reduce migration but the development-migration nexus is complex. At low levels of development, migration might increase with rising GDP per capita. This applies to most of sub-Saharan Af ...
Marcus Vinicius de FreitasApril 27, 2017This podcast is performed by Mr. Marcus Vinicius de Freitas. The purpose of this Podcast is to discuss how to deal with decreasing government funds for public housing through Public-Priva ...
AuthorsApril 25, 2017Chinese investors are increasingly interested in Africa. Some criticize them for privileging mining investments. A 2017 analysis of these investments shows that investments in mining have not been the only ones privileged by the Chinese operators. Many other sectors such as transport and energy have benefited from Chinese investments, much more so than the mining sector, for example. ...
AuthorsApril 25, 2017Chinese investors are increasingly interested in Africa. Some criticize them for privileging mining investments. A 2017 analysis of these investments shows that investments in mining have not been the only ones privileged by the Chinese operators. Many other sectors such as transport and energy have benefited from Chinese investments, much more so than the mining sector, for example. ...
Otaviano CanutoApril 24, 2017This podcast is performed by Mr. Otaviano Canuto. Central banks of large advanced and many emerging market economies have recently gone through a period of extraordinary expansion of bala ...
AuthorsSandra Polónia RiosPedro da Motta VeigaApril 21, 2017There is much room for deepening Brazil and Morocco’s bilateral economic relationship, in the fields of trade and investment flows. This is the main conclusion of the assessment of both countries external economic relations and of their bilateral trade and investment flows. This policy brief aims at presenting a roadmap for fostering bilateral economic relations, focusing on the avenues for a bilateral free trade agreement and for bilateral treaties on investment promotion. This app ...
AuthorsApril 20, 2017Last week the World Bank released a Staff Note (2017) analyzing the pension reform proposal sent last December by Brazil’s Federal Government to Congress. It concludes that (p.16, our emphasis): “… the proposed pension reform in Brazil is necessary, urgent if Brazil is to meet its spending rule, and socially balanced in that the proposal mostly eliminates subsidies received under the current rules by formal sector workers and civil servants who belong to the top 60 percent of house ...
AuthorsPatrick BrunotPascal ChaigneauJérôme EvrardSonia Le GouriellecAndreï GratchevMichael LebedevFlorent ParmentierAnne-Sophie RaujolGeorge VoloshinApril 13, 2017Cette publication conjointe entre HEC Center for Geopolitics et OCP Policy Center, compile douze Policy Papers qui ont été présentés, discutés et enrichis lors de la deuxième édition des Dialogues Stratégiques, une plateforme d’analyse et de débat stratégique autour des principaux enjeux géopolitiques et sécuritaires internationaux, mais également régionaux revêtant une importance capitale pour les continents européen et africain. Ce deuxième volume des Dialogues Stratégiques est co ...