- Indermit Gill, économiste en chef et premier vice-président pour l'économie du développement, Groupe de la Banque mondiale
- Montek Singh Ahluwalia, ancien vice-président de la Commission de planification de l'Inde
- Rim Berahab, économiste en chef, Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)
- Ingrid Gabriela Hoven, directrice générale, GIZ - Agence allemande de développement
- Lord Nicholas Stern, professeur et titulaire de la chaire IG Patel d'économie et de gouvernement, London School of Economics (LSE)
- Hasan Tuluy, associé principal, Centennial Group
AuthorsNovember 1, 2021South Africa’s economy is in crisis. Like much of the world, it has been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic when its economy has already been weakened by years of low growth, high unemployment and rising inequality after the global financial crisis of 2007-08. At this difficult juncture, the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) offers it the opportunity of becoming a continental growth pole, not just a regional growth pole which it is already. This opportunity could not have c ...
AuthorsNovember 1, 2021Some of the golden Buddhas seemed to smile; many of the 2200 pagodas and temples surviving in the ancient city were fighting the damage of time and earthquakes. The road we took from historic Bagan to Mandalay, 178 kilometers away had more holes than a Swiss cheese, and the driver was as reluctant as a Trappist monk to answer my questions. When I noticed a group of destitute, drawn looking men, pale faces and hollow cheeks, cutting trees and moving giant rocks by hand towards trucks ...
October 29, 202114h00 – 15h00: Session II - L’Indo-Pacifique : contours et enjeux Panel 3 : Contours géoéconomiques et géopolitiques Modérateur: Jamal Machrouh, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South Intervenants: - L’AUKUS - Amiral Alain Oudot de Dainville, Ancien Chef d’État-Major de la Mar...
AuthorsOctober 29, 2021« ItalyGate », that was it, the key to unravel the conspiracy, « the greatest scandal in the history of the United States », as Donald Trump declared on Twitter. A computer specialist of the Italian aerospace and Defence giant “Leonardo” had interfered in the Presidential elections of the Unites States to secure Joe Biden’s victory. Shared online with the hashtags “ItalyDidIt” and “ ItalyGate”, reported the global Reuter news service (January 15, 2021), the claims are part of a cons ...
October 29, 202109h00 – 09h15 Mots d’ouverture Karim El Aynaoui, Président Exécutif, Policy Center for the New South Pascal Chaigneau, Directeur du Centre HEC de Géopolitique 09h15 – 10h15 : Session I - L’impuissance de la puissance Panel 1 : L’Afghanistan, un sanctuaire pour les djihadistes ? Modéra...
AuthorsOctober 28, 2021Mauritius is a refutation of the proposition that food self-sufficiency at all costs is the way to achieve food security. Mauritius, a trade-dependent island economy, imports around three quarters of its food consumption. It is food self-sufficient in only local vegetables and fruits. Post-independence governments have succeeded in virtually eliminating extreme poverty. Mauritius has grown at an annual average of 5.3% or 4.4% in per-capita terms for d ...
AuthorsPascal ChaigneauEugène BergRodolphe MonnetJacques GravereauJérémy GhezOlivier TramondNiagalé BagayokoAlain Oudot de DainvilleJérôme EvrardCoordination de l’ouvrage: Imane LahrichFatine CherkaouiOctober 28, 2021Depuis l’accession au trône du Roi Mohammed VI, l’Afrique s’est transformée en priorité de la diplomatie marocaine. Sur le plan économique, l’Afrique est devenue le prolongement naturel du Maroc en termes d’investissements et d’implantations. Pascal Chaigneau s’attarde sur les relations affaiblies Europe-Afrique, l’ambitieuse relation Chine-Afrique ainsi que les relations entre la Russie, les Etats-Unis, la Turquie ou encore les pays du Golf et l’Afrique. Ce chapitre traite égalemen ...
AuthorsOctober 27, 2021Catastrophic Consequences Increasing wildfires, a sign of climate change, are reducing forests to ashes. This year alone, 43 billion metric tons of CO2 will be emitted into the atmosphere from forest fires. The world lost about 10 million hectares of forests per year between 2015 and 2020, according to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), in its 2021 report Ecosystem Restoration for people, nature and climate. Each year an average of 122 million hectares of forests are af ...
AuthorsNoamane CherkaouiOctober 26, 2021The democratic transition in Libya may be in peril because of an escalating, multidimensional crisis in the country. The crisis’ internationalized nature has undermined domestic stability, with many countries vying for influence and the spoils of war. These rivalries have seeped into an election process that was originally envisaged to be a method for attaining legitimacy. Instead, it is in danger of being hijacked, which would consolidate division and increase the risks of relapse ...
AuthorsPatricia Ahanda*October 26, 2021Le mandat d’Angela Merkel est arrivé à son terme, après 16 ans au pouvoir en tant que chancelière de l’Allemagne. Au cours de sa carrière, Angela Merkel, femme politique issue des rangs du parti conservateur, s’est hissée en tant que dirigeante de la quatrième puissance mondiale et première économie de l'Union européenne. Angela Merkel a réussi à dominer les scènes politiques européenne et internationale en s’imposant comme l'une des femmes les plus puissantes et influentes du monde ...