December 22, 2022Dans cet épisode spécial d’Africafé, le représentant permanent du Maroc aux Nations unies, Omar Hilale, présente l’importance de l’Atlantique sud pour le développement du continent africain et analyse les enjeux liés à cet espace. Omar Hilale décrit aussi les efforts déployés par le Mar...
December 16, 2022In this video recorded during the Atlantic Dialogues, our Columnist Mr. Helmut Sorge interviews Ms. Ana Palacio, Spain's Former Minister of Foreign Affairs on the position of Spain and Europe towards the War in Ukraine, the interview also tackles different questions regarding Energy, se...
December 16, 2022Dans cette interview tournée au cours des Atlantic Dialogues, Monsieur Helmut Sorge interroge le Ministre Hubert Védrine sur ses impressions sur un monde aussi troublé qu’aujourd’hui suite à la guerre Russo-Ukrainienne. Monsieur Védrine nous fait part de son analyse ainsi que son étude ...
December 16, 2022Blair Glencorse, Executive Director, Accountability Lab (UK) ...
December 16, 2022Masood Ahmed, President, Center for Global Development (USA) ...
December 16, 2022The rise of inequality is becoming one of the biggest concerns for developed, developing and emerging economies. Nowadays, more than ever, it is becoming an extremely important issue facing many economies around the world, not only from an equity point of view but also from an econom...
December 16, 2022Interview with Paul Isbell, Affiliate Professor at UM6P FGSES ...
December 16, 2022In this video recorded during the Atlantic Dialogues, our Columnist Mr. Helmut Sorge interviews Ms. Nusrat Farooq, Technology and Programs Associate, Global Internet Forum to Counterterrorism, Ms. Farooq tells us about how The Global Internet Forum is fighting violent extremism and terr...