AuthorsKarim EL MokriJune 21, 2016Le bassin Atlantique occupe une place stratégique dans l’économie mondiale vu le poids systémique que représente la partie Nord de la région. Néanmoins, cet espace demeure très hétérogène avec des écarts importants entre les économies qu’il englobe. Les analyses menées dans ce Brief montrent également le manque de synchronisation du cycle économique entre les pays de la région mais surtout le faible degré d’intégration commerciale et financière de la partie africaine du bassin. En o ...
AuthorsKarim EL MokriJune 21, 2016The Atlantic basin holds a strategic place in the global economy given the systemic importance that the northern part of the region represents. However, this area remains very heterogeneous with significant differences between the economies within it. The analysis conducted in this policy brief also shows the lack of synchronization of the economic cycle among the countries in the region, and especially the low level of trade and financial integration of the African part of the basi ...
AuthorsMichel PetitJanuary 12, 2016The expression “green revolution” is controversial today; yet my own assessment is that, in spite of many valid criticisms, the Green Revolution was a major achievement for humankind: it made erroneous the Malthusian predictions of the 1960s and 70s that it would be impossible to provide enough food for a rapidly growing world population and that major humanitarian crises, including famines, would occur in several countries within a few years, particularly in South Asia. In a wider ...
November 5, 2015...