November 12, 2024مع تزايد التحديات البيئية وتفاقم تأثيرات التغير المناخي، بات التمويل المناخي ضرورةً ملحة لدفع التحول نحو اقتصاد منخفض الكربون ومستدام. فكيف يمكن توجيه الاستثمارات لتحقيق هذا الهدف؟ وما هي الأدوات المتاحة لدعم هذا التحول؟ تقدم لنا لوري هايتايان، مديرة معهد حوكمة الموارد الطبيعية للشرق ال...
AuthorsInaciao F.AraujoNovember 11, 2024This study quantifies the contributions of Brazil’s blue economy and explores the economic interdependence between coastal and hinterland regions through interregional linkages. Employing a multi-level approach, we analyze municipality and state-level data on oceanrelated activities. Using an interstate input-output model, we estimate the value chains of the blue economy, offering a deeper understanding of its systemic impacts. This study addresses gaps in national, regional, and lo ...
AuthorsNovember 11, 2024...
Tosin Durotoye and Majda BelkheiriNovember 08, 2024In this episode, ADEL alumna Tosin Durotoye dives into the vital topic of investing in women and girls in Africa, shedding light on how targeted education and empowerment can drive impact ...
AuthorsNovember 7, 2024Si la réalité même de la transition énergétique est parfois questionnée, voire remise en cause (Fressoz, 2023), l’effet de report qu’elle crée sur les ressources minérales, mis en évidence par de nombreuses études prospectives, apparaît indiscutable. Plus de cuivre, de lithium, de nickel, de graphite ou de terres rares : telles sont les conditions non exhaustives permettant de soutenir le développement de l’électromobilité et des énergies renouvelables et, ainsi, de contribuer à la ...
November 5, 2024في هذه الحلقة من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء، نستعرض مستجدات مشروع قانون المالية لعام 2025، الذي يأتي في ظل سياق اقتصادي أكثر إيجابية مقارنة بالسنوات الماضية، مع انخفاض معدلات التضخم واستقرار أسعار المواد الأساسية. بصحبة ضيفنا بدر الزاهر الأزرق، سنقدم قراءة تحليلية لهذا السياق وللفرضيات التي ب...
AuthorsImane LahrichNovember 5, 2024This brief presents an analysis of key trends and observations from the 2024 U.S. presidential election, in which I participated through the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL) Election Exchange Program, organized in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State. The program offered a comprehensive exploration of contemporary U.S. electoral dynamics, focusing on party strategies, demographic shifts, media influence, and campaign finance. The insights presented here ...
AuthorsPolicy Center for the New SouthNovember 5, 2024In an age of deep uncertainties and an increasingly unpredictable future, the Atlantic Dialogues continue to embody the essence of reasoned, high-level engagement. Held under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the 12th edition welcomed in Marrakesh over 450 distinguished participants, including high-ranking officials, decision-makers, and experts from 80 nations. The theme of the 2023 edition of the Atlantic Dialogues, “A More Assertive Atlantic: Its Meaning for t ...
AuthorsIan O. LesserNovember 5, 2024At its Washington summit in July 2024, marking NATO’s 75th anniversary, the Alliance focused on strengthening deterrence and defense in response to the ongoing threat from Russia. The summit also addressed escalating risks from an increasingly assertive China, particularly regarding its support for Russia’s actions in Ukraine, underscoring partnerships in the Indo-Pacific with regional leaders in attendance. While Southern-oriented challenges and partnerships may not have been a cen ...
Meryem Aassid & Michael StopfordNovember 01, 2024Platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and TikTok have transformed political campaigns. Initially leveraged by figures like Obama, social media’s role surged under Donald Trump, who used it ...