May 26, 2014GMF - OCP Policy Center Joint Seminar Serier The Fractured Ocean: Current Challenges to Maritime Policy in the Wider Atlantic ...
May 12, 2014Conference on Mega-Regional Trading Arrangements, the WTO, and Responses of Excluded Countries ...
AuthorsAicha BelarbiMay 2, 2014It is important to understand how today’s migrations are shaping the architecture of Africa and South America, creating intensive South-South and South-North movement, but a weak flow between the two continents. Political, socioeconomic, and environmental differences between Africa and South America could lead to imbalanced migratory processes between the two continents. Migration policy is not a purely rational enterprise; it is usually designed to please public opinion, and remain ...
AuthorsMay 2, 2014The financial and economic crisis that unfolded across the globe after the 2008 sub-prime meltdown was not just another cyclical bump in the conquering advance of modern capitalism. It was — and still is — a symptom of the exhausted 20th-century way of envisioning the best path to economic growth, consumer satisfaction, and efficient production of goods. Environmental limits to our race to prosperity are just part of the story. The other, and crucial, part is the ongoing technologic ...
AuthorsPhilip MartinSusan MartinMay 1, 2014This report examines migration patterns in and between the two continents of the South Atlantic Basin — Africa and South America. It assesses migration governance and the migration provisions of regional economic integration agreements and explores the potential of migration and diasporas to accelerate economic development in the South Atlantic. ...
AuthorsPeter D. SutherlandMay 1, 2014In the 21st century, international migration is experiencing a remarkable evolution. In 2013, the number of migrants going from one developing country to another was roughly equal to those going from developing countries to the world’s advanced economies. Meanwhile, many European countries are experiencing significant emigration for the first time in more than a generation. As old dividing lines between countries of origin and countries of destination blur, states are realizing that ...
April 29, 2014GMF - OCP Policy Center Joint Seminar Series Recent Developments in Turkey: Internal and External Implications ...
April 29, 2014OCP Policy Center Seminar Series Optimal Commodity Taxation and Consumer Welfare ...
March 28, 2014Paul Isbell, CAF Energy Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University-SAIS in Washington, D.C. ...
AuthorsPeter SpardingMarch 11, 2014This paper examines the changing role of trade in the Wider Atlantic space and the shifting trade patterns between the four continents Historically, transatlantic relations have often been focused on North-North connections in the Atlantic space. In light of momentous geopolitical, economic, and demographic changes around the world, it now seems expedient to expand the view of the Atlantic by exploring its “vertical map” and including its Southern half. This paper focuses on one of ...