APSACO 2021 - WORKSHOP : Report Presentation: ISIS Files

June 23, 2021

The events in Iraq and Syria over the last seven years constitute one of the darkest pages in recent history. The so-called Islamic State (IS) managed to control an area the size of Britain and dominated its residents with an iron fist. It subjugated, terrorized and confiscated property of religious minorities. It mercilessly killed its opponents. It created a pervasive system of enforcement of strict moral codes, meting out corporal punishment to those who did not abide by them. It used its territory to plan and incite terrorist attacks worldwide. And it even officially introduced slavery, sanctioning it with religious edicts and imposing it on thousands of women from the Yazidi minority. In order to do all this the Islamic State created an extremely sophisticated bureaucracy. Seeing itself as a state, it created ministries, administrations, a complex tax collection system, even a consumer protection agency. And this bureaucracy, like any other, left behind a huge paper trail, a myriad of documents that reveal the inner workings of one of history’s deadliest and best organized terrorist organizations. Starting in 2015, as the Iraqi government and the international community had begun to take the battle to IS, New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi spent several months embedded with the Iraqi military as it liberated areas of Iraq from IS. While reporting on the military efforts, Callimachi also obtained permission from the Iraqi army officials she was embedded with to retrieve some of the documents IS had left behind. She ended up collecting some 15,000 pages of documents which came to be known as “The ISIS Files”. Callimachi and The New York Times understood the importance of making this collection, which documents a dark page of recent history that has hardly been completely turned, available to the public. In 2018, The New York Times and the George Washington University announced an exclusive partnership to digitize, translate, analyze, and publish roughly 15,000 pages of internal ISIS Files. Extensive work has been done by GW to preserve and present the information contained in The ISIS Files in an accurate, accessible, secure, and impartial manner. The ISIS Files project is ongoing with documents in additional themes being made available as they are completed. ------ Moderator: Mehdi Benomar, Head of Department of Research in International Relations, Policy Center for the New South Speakers: Devorah Margolin, Adjunct Professor, George Washington University Discussants: - Dina Hussein, Counterterrorism Policy Lead for EMEA, Facebook - El Mostafa Rezrazi, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South

Mehdi Benomar
Head – Research in International Relations
Mehdi Benomar has cumulated 18 years of experience as analyst and occupied several positions in public organizations: in National Defense as head of division (2000-2008), in the cabinet of the ministry of Mines and Energy (2010-12) and in OCP Group (2012-2017). He also served as senior consultant in private firm Global Intelligence Partners (G.I.P.) (2008-2010) in Rabat. He specialized in strategic monitoring issues and contributed on different topics related to proliferation, energy and development in sub-Saharan Africa. Nuclear Engineer, he graduated from the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives and has a master in sciences. ...
El Mostafa Rezrazi
Senior Fellow
Dr El Mostafa Rezrazi is a professor of Crisis Management, and Security Studies and a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South who focuses on Terrorism, Security and East Asia studies. His area of Expertise covers Afro-Asian Affairs, Strategic & Security Studies, Terrorism, Extremism and Deradicalization, mainly from the view of Criminal; Legal and Forensic Psychology.  He got his Ph.D. in Regional & International Affairs from the University of Tokyo in 1998, and later a Doctorate from the University of Mohammed V on the Psychological dynamisms of Suicide Bombers (2014). He is the executive director of the Moroccan Observatory on Extremism and Violence, Director of the African Center for Asian Studies, Rabat. Currently, he is Visiting Professor at the Univ ...


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