التنمية المالية وتأثيرها على تنويع الاقتصاد في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

January 20, 2025

في هذه الحلقة، تم استعراض التحديات التي واجهت التنمية المالية في دول الخليج وكيفية التغلب عليها. كما تم مناقشة دور المؤسسات المالية في تعزيز تنويع الاقتصاد في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، بالإضافة إلى طرق تحسين البنية التحتية المالية لدعم الاقتصاد غير النفطي. استضافت الحلقة إسلام عبد الباري، أستاذ مشارك في الاقتصاد ووكيل الكلية للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي في الأكاديمية العربية، الذي قدم رؤى حول كيفية دعم هذه الدول للاقتصاد غير النفطي من خلال تطوير مؤسساتها المالية

اسلام عبد الباريء
أستاذ مشارك في الاقتصاد وكيل الكلية للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي - الأكاديمية العربية


  • Authors
    May 15, 2020
    La crise du Covid-19 a fortement entravé les négociations d'un accord de libre-échange entre le Royaume-Uni et l'Union européenne (UE). Étant condamnée à des obstacles, à la fois temporels et politiques, la perspective de parvenir à un accord avant le départ prévu du Royaume-Uni du marché unique de l'UE le 31 décembre 2020, semble de plus en plus compliquée. Londres et Bruxelles devraient considérer une sortie du Royaume- Uni sans accord comme une conclusion indésirable des négociat ...
  • Authors
    Hynd Bouhia
    May 14, 2020
    Morocco is today cited as an example for its dynamism, its leadership, under the impetus of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and, above all, its coherence in decision-making and the involvement of the population, through the Covid-19 Special Fund and the media to maintain public confidence. Indeed, the safety of the Moroccans was given priority over all other considerations, which made it possible to speed up the handling of the events and to supervise the management of the contaminate ...
  • Authors
    May 14, 2020
    Confronted with surging unemployment and miles long lines at food banks across the United States, most states have begun reopening the economy. Many of these states are seeing rising numbers of new cases and face a real risk of relapsing into an uncontrolled pandemic. To avoid this outcome, they must adopt a strategy that entails testing, tracing, and isolation of the infected, with priority given to groups and places where the medical impact – reducing infections and saving lives – ...
  • May 11, 2020
    Coronavirus takes down global economic giants (fourth video of the series on the coronavirus crisis) - The impact of COVID-19 on economic activity and on jobs has been deep and strong - The shape of post-coronavirus recovery will depend on the success of containment policies and… - the ...
  • Authors
    May 11, 2020
    Data recently released on the first-quarter global domestic product (GDP) performance of major economies have showed how significant the impact of COVID-19 has been on economic activity and jobs, with large contractions across the board. The ongoing global recession is poised to be worse than the “great recession” after the 2008-09 global financial crisis, especially from the standpoint of emerging market and developing economies. The depth and speed of the GDP decline will rival th ...
  • Authors
    Mohammed Germouni
    May 8, 2020
    An examination, inevitably bound to be broad in scope, of the economic and social implications for a country, in this case Morocco, of a sudden pandemic that has broken out in virtually most parts of the world, can only be a prelude to a broader and more comprehensive study to be undertaken in due course. For obvious reasons, especially as the current crisis induced by the primacy of health, could later evolve into a form of economic depression as various multifaceted aid and suppor ...
  • Authors
    Mohammed Germouni
    May 8, 2020
    Un examen, nécessairement à grands traits, des incidences économiques et sociales pour un pays, en l’occurrence le Maroc, d’une soudaine pandémie qui s’est déclarée sur presque la plupart des régions de la planète, ne peut être qu’un simple prélude d’une large étude exhaustive à entreprendre le moment venu. Et ce pour des raisons évidentes, à savoir que la crise en cours induite par le primat du sanitaire, pouvant évoluer, ensuite, en une forme de dépression économique que divers pr ...
  • May 5, 2020
    The labour market is being hit hard by the consequences of the damage caused by the novel Coronavirus. Out of the 3.3 billion employed working people in the world, more than 4 out of 5 are affected by the total or partial closure of workplaces, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO). In this paper, we will examine, in detail, the situation of the global labour market in the context of the crisis, before discussing the major changes expected in the world of work and ...
  • Authors
    Julián Colombo
    Antonella Pelizzari
    May 4, 2020
    Last December, Covid-19 news emerged from China and, as the epicenter of the pandemic moved to Europe in February, and then to the United States in March, the news hotspots moved there too. However, there has been only a few global news streams about how South American countries, and Argentina in particular, are fighting against the pandemic. As a country with a new president, who has started this year with a preexistent economic crisis, it is worth giving a look at the current loca ...