Le réservoir de jeunes dans la région représente une mine à exploiter. Cependant, l’effet de dividende démographique reste confronter dans la région à de multiples défis. Il reste subordonné à la capacité d’accélérer le processus des réformes en mesure d’améliorer l'environnement de son développement et sa pleine valorisation. Avant de proposer quelques voies de développement et d’amélioration, l'épisode donne un bref aperçu des progrès et lacunes en matière de santé et du bien-être dans la région, mais aussi en termes d’éducation et de formations.

Tayeb Ghazi
Senior Economist
Tayeb Ghazi is Senior Economist at the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS). He is also a member of the Social and Solidarity Economy Research Group at Cadi Ayyad University and holds a master's degree in applied finance from the same university. He is currently working on topics related to labour market, education, migration and some aspects of international trade in developing countries.

Youssef Tobi
International Relations Specialist
Tobi Youssef has joined the Policy Center for the New South in 2017. He is currently working on Politics and Governance in the Maghreb Region; his areas of expertise are geopolitics, political risk and nation building. Youssef Tobi obtained a Master Degree at Sciences Po Lyon where he wrote two thesis on “ the role of Moroccan Bank in Africa, a non-state actor in service of the Diplomacy” and the“ Chasm between the mediatic and associative representation of refugees : a case study”.
Prior to working at the Think tank, Tobi Youssef participated in a Social Entrepreneurship Project in Beirut, Lebanon and conducted an internship in a NGO based in Marseille where he assisted refugees and helped raise funds.