In this episode, Danielle Alakija discusses how her diverse roles as a barrister, artist, and Olympic athlete shape her approach to advocacy. She shares how she uses creativity and storytelling to highlight issues like climate change and social inequality, while addressing systemic inequalities between the Global North and South.
Otaviano Canuto & Hamza SaoudiJune 11, 2021Inequality is nowadays one of the most important issues facing many economies around the world, not only in developing countries but also in advanced and emerging ones. Today, there is a ...
Lilia Rizk & Rumbidzai Chisenga (ADEL)June 09, 2021In this podcast, we will be looking at the Role of Women and gender equality in Development. The role of women, especially in developing countries, has been recognized as the single most ...
Akram Zaoui & Salma DaoudiJune 04, 2021The COVID crisis has demonstrated that health can be described as both (geo)political and economic capital, thus emphasizing the role it can play in power struggles at different scales. A ...
Nihal El Mquirmi & Amanda O Mathe (ADEL)June 02, 2021Although there is growing recognition that Science, Technology and Innovation can contribute significantly to promoting development, STI policies generally lack a gender perspective, and ...
June 1, 2021ليست الحماية الاجتماعية تكلفة، بل استثماراً. وبوسع أغلب البلدان، حتى الأكثر فقراً، أن تتحمل تكاليف برامج الحماية الاجتماعية. ولا تؤدي خطط الحماية الاجتماعية الجيدة التصميم والتنفيذ إلى توليد آثار إنتاجية واجتماعية متعددة فحسب، بل يمكنها أيضا أن تعزز النمو الاقتصادي المحلي. بعد الكثير من...
AuthorsSabine CessouJune 1, 2021This young French entrepreneur cannot be reduced to a single side of herself. To describe her as the founder of Lydexperience, a training platform focused on leadership coaching, is certainly not enough. She is also into politics and has held an electoral mandate, with expertise on equality, training and female entrepreneurship. In her case, the same applies to geography. Born in France, Patricia Ahanda partly grew up in Cameroon, her parent’s country. When her father was posted in ...
AuthorsMay 31, 2021China is the world's largest exporter of goods. It is also, by any plausible criterion, a developing country. China's dual status needs to be better reflected in Chinese policies - recognizing its global responsibilities -- and in those of the Western powers - recognizing China's limitations. Across three important agendas - macroeconomics, development assistance, and climate - important differences between China and the West remain, yet none of these issues appears intractable. ...
May 27, 2021En partenariat avec l’ISCAE Dans le cadre de la pandémie de COVID-19, le dialogue entre citoyens, scientifiques et décideurs politiques et la répartition de leurs rôles au sein de la société ont été un élément déterminant dans les réponses apportées à cette crise. Dans chaque pays, la c...
Lilia Rizk & Omayra Issa (ADEL)May 26, 2021For media to be most effective in serving their communities, the range of broadcasters, print and online platforms must reflect the diversity and range of opinions of their audiences. Div ...
May 25, 2021تشـكل خدمـات التقاعـد مكونـا رئيسـيا فـي نظـام الحمايـة الاجتماعية. فهي تجسـد حقا إنسـانيا أساسـيا كرسـه الإعلان العالمـي لحقـوق الإنسان والعهـد الدولـي الخـاص بالحقـوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافيـة وترتكـز هـذه الخدمـات علـى مبـدأ الضـرورة، وهـو المبـدأ الـذي ذكـر بـه سـنة 2001 قـر...