Anna Ayuso PozoApril 26, 2016This podcast is performed by Anna Ayuso Pozo. The parliamentary elections on December 6 in Venezuela opened a new political era. The magnitude of the defeat of the governmental forces lea ...
AuthorsSous la direction du ProfesseurApril 19, 2016La façade atlantique de l’Afrique réunit dans un espace géopolitique en construction les principaux atouts et défis du continent africain. La conjugaison de ces enjeux au comportement des Etats de la région semble fournir les premières composantes d’une identité stratégique « afro-atlantique », toujours en construction : vision commune des enjeux et institutionnalisation de l’espace, à travers des structures informelles comme la Conférence des États africains riverains de l’Atlantiq ...
April 15, 2016Hakim Ben Hammouda, Former Minister of Finance, Tunisia was interviewed in the context of the international conference: “Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives” ...
April 15, 2016Guntram B. Wolff Director, Bruegel on Brexit, Refugee Crisis and the Role of Think Tanks was interviewed in the context of the international conference: “Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives” April 01, 2016, OCP Policy Center, Rabat ...
April 15, 2016Laura El-Katiri, Energy Expert, on Energy in the Mena Region was interviewed in the context of the international conference: “Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives” ...