• Authors
    Hala Boumaiz
    November 15, 2019
    The effects of new technologies on the ways in which we think, govern, work and socialize are already posing complex problems for decision-makers, citizens and corporates, leading to reactions of rejection that reflect fear or lack of preparation in coping with digital transformations. Due to these changes, the classical patterns shaping our society - be it within the political, economic, or social spheres - have been rapidly altered. With this fast-paced transformation, the general ...
  • Authors
    November 4, 2019
    Sans accorder une importance excessive aux limites démarquant les différentes tranches d’âge, les jeunes se définissent, pour l’essentiel, comme ceux dont l’âge se situe entre 18 et 35 ans, en intégrant les au-delà des 35 ans les « jeunes vieux » (ceux qui restent jeunes d’esprit, d’agir, et de manière d’être) et de « vieux jeunes » (ceux qui vieillissent très tôt dans leur mode d’être, de penser et de faire). Ainsi, il n’existe pas une seule jeunesse africaine mais des jeunesses a ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    October 25, 2019
    Eric Ntumba, a young Congolese banker, came from Kinshasa in December 2017 to participate in the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Programme of the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) in Marrakech. At that time, when asked what his dream was, he immediately said he would like : « to become President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and bring about inclusive development, so that the country’s enormous potential can be finally transformed into power. My dream is that eac ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    October 25, 2019
    Jeune banquier congolais, Eric Ntumba est venu de Kinshasa en décembre 2017 pour participer au programme Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders du Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) à Marrakech. À l’époque, lorsqu’on lui demandait quel était son rêve, il déclarait d’emblée : « Devenir président de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et apporter un développement inclusif, pour faire que le potentiel énorme de ce pays se transforme enfin en puissance. Mon rêve est que chaque en ...
  • September 30, 2019
    Notre Senior Fellow a répondu aux questions suivantes : 1/ Dans la région du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique du Nord, en 2016 la part du revenu global des 1% les plus riches était 2,6 fois plus important que celle des 50% les plus pauvres. Sur quels leviers agir pour réduire les inégalités da...
  • Authors
    Leonardo Parraga
    September 5, 2019
    Leonardo Parraga is an alumnus of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program 2016.  The rise of globalization has given space to cooperation across borders in unprecedented ways. The interconnectedness between different actors allows for the creation of synergies and catalyzing progress in different areas, a feature that was previously unthinkable. When it comes to cooperation amongst young people, the increasing wave of meeting spaces facilitating the encounters between youth ...
  • September 1, 2019
    Income inequality is high in Morocco. In 2013, the share of national income1  of the richest 10% in Morocco stood at nearly 32%, 12 times higher than the share of national income of the poorest 10% of the population. This paper argues that, drawing on international experience, there is much more that Morocco’s government can do to reduce inequality while at the same time enhancing growth and – possibly – doing so in a manner that is budget-neutral or even budget-positive. Top of the ...
  • August 23, 2019
    Income inequality is high in Morocco. In 2013, the share of national income of the richest 10% in Morocco stood at nearly 32%, 12 times higher than the share of national income of the poorest 10% of the population. High inequality can adversely affect long-term growth as it tends to be associated with underutilization of human potential. This paper argues that, drawing on international experience, there is much more that Morocco’s government can do to reduce inequality while at the ...
  • Authors
    Tosin Durotoye
    July 31, 2019
    Tosin Durotoye is an alumna of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program 2018.  On an unremarkable day in 2015, I woke up and decided it was time to move back home. At the time, “home” was the United States where I’d spent my formative years and lived for over 20 years. However, my birth home – the home at the core of my identity and the home I would be returning to - was Nigeria. My family had immigrated to the U.S. during the Abacha era – a time of great social and politic ...
  • Authors
    Richard Seshie
    July 26, 2019
    Richard Seshie est un Alumni du programme des Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders 2017. Cet article a été précédemment publié ici.  Il prévaut fortement cette idée que nos pouvoirs publics ne sauraient jouer un rôle important pour les startups en Afrique. Dans plusieurs pays, leur nonchalance ou implication maladroite passée laisse dubitatif. Toutefois, c'est la nature historiquement extravertie de nos économies et ses implications qui devrait susciter plus qu'ailleurs un activism ...