April 13, 2020- Flattening coronavirus curves of infection and recession will be harder in developing countries - Developing countries have faced foreign capital outflows - A boosted IMF may provide liquidity buffers for developing countries, but debt relief will be necessary to help vulnerable count...
AuthorsApril 13, 2020Vingt-cinq intellectuels africains dont Kako Nubukpo, Alioune Sall, Felwine Sarr, Achille Mbembe, Reckya Madougou, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Franck Hermann Ekra et Hakim Ben Hammouda cosignent cet appel à la mobilisation des intelligences, des ressources et de la créativité des Africains pour vaincre la pandémie de Covid-19. Covid-19 est le nom scientifique du virus responsable d’une maladie respiratoire très contagieuse pouvant devenir mortelle. Épidémie puis reclassée pandémie pa ...
AuthorsJoana Vieira FloresPhDApril 10, 2020From the moment China reported a new mysterious disease to the WHO, in the last day of 2019, the scientific community started following the situation with increasing concern. However, in many places like the UK, where I live, and Portugal, where I am from, the collective memory of recent public health crises like SARS and Ebola added up to “much ado about nothing” – a massive media frenzy that promised a pandemic but did not deliver one. That is perhaps why it took so long to regist ...
April 10, 2020- Pourquoi le débat sur le revenu universel de base émerge de nouveau dans le cadre du Covid 19? - Qu’est ce qu’au juste le Revenu Universel de Base et quelles sont vos appréciations sur les expériences internationales? - Le Revenu Universel de Base est il une réponse appropriée pour pr...
Authorsمحمد ياسر الهلاليApril 10, 2020يلف موضوع الحجر الصحي في المغرب الأقصى خلال العصر الوسيط ضباب كثيف، لا تساعد المصادر على انقشاعه. ومع ذلك يمكن القول إن من أهم القضايا التي كانت تشغل بال مغاربة العصور الوسطى أثناء حدوث الوباء، حقيقة العدوى من عدمها، فكانوا يطرحون السؤال الآتي: هل يخُالَطُ المصاب بالوباء أم لا؟ الموقف النظري من المخالطة بين الرفض والقبول تراوحت المواقف بين نفي العدوى بالوباء وإثباتها، وكان في مقدمة النافين لها أغلب الفقهاء، مستندين على نصوص شرعية تقول بعدم وجودها من وجهة نظر فهمهم لها، وتعتبر الوب ...
AuthorsApril 10, 2020In Thomas Mann’s novel Death in Venice, the character Gustav von Aschenbach is not alarmed when he arrives with his wife in Venice by boat and encounters health inspectors questioning disembarking passengers. He begins to notice that more and more guests at the hotel he is staying are leaving. The hotel barber mentions something about a disease. Strolling through the city, watching the gondolas ahead of him, von Aschenbach smells the scent of germicide in the air and becomes increas ...
AuthorsApril 10, 2020Food insecurity is not a new concern. Many people around the world are already undernourished because of several factors, including climatic, economic, and political factors. Unfortunately, in times of crisis, as currently with COVID-19, food insecurity becomes more acute and requires urgent intervention to mitigate the negative impact on people's access to food. Aware of this, many governments have implemented different short-term measures to tackle this issue. However, it is impor ...
April 10, 2020Policy Center for the New South : Le Capital Humain est au cœur de notre vision Covid-19 : Les membres du Policy Center s’expriment sur le déploiement du télétravail et son impact sur nos activités. Tous mobilisés à travers une approche nouvelle et disruptive au service de notre engagem...
AuthorsMohammed GermouniApril 10, 2020Dans cette période de catastrophe planétaire, le risque d'un nombre élevé de victimes en raison de la faiblesse des systèmes de santé de nombreux Etats africains, anglophones ou francophones, est plus qu’évident pour l’observateur averti. Les circonstances actuelles interdisent des commentaires évidemment superflus sur les infrastructures médicales, globalement défaillantes. Ces insuffisances sont connues et vécues au quotidien par les populations des diverses régions du continent, ...
AuthorsApril 9, 2020Il coronavirus promette di cambiare la politica globale. La velocità e la portata del contagio, così come la gravità del suo impatto, non sono fake news, come abbiamo già imparato a nostre spese. Il virus si diffonde rapidamente nel mondo, passando da persona a persona, e il contenimento delle sue conseguenze è indissolubilmente legato alla disponibilità di risorse e al buon funzionamento dei meccanismi di governance. Per queste ragioni, i leader globali dovrebbero porre molta atten ...