AuthorsSeptember 20, 2024Le minilatéralisme, approche flexible et rapide de la coopération internationale, s'avère efficace pour relever des défis communs entre un petit nombre d'États. Inspiré du « Dialogue 5+5 » méditerranéen, ce concept est proposé pour renforcer la coopération euro-africaine dans l'espace atlantique, en créant un forum « 3+3 » réunissant l'Espagne, la France, le Portugal, le Maroc, la Mauritanie et le Sénégal. Ce cadre permettrait de répondre aux enjeux sécuritaires, économiques et migr ...
AuthorsPolicy Center for the New SouthJuly 26, 2024The Atlantic region is grappling with a host of challenges that require urgent attention. Economic and financial struggles, social unrest, and political changes are transforming the geopolitical landscape of the region. Issues including unemployment, poverty, violence, extremism, climate change, and migration are becoming more pressing, making it essential to find lasting solutions. In this context, it is crucial to create inclusive discussions between different generations and regi ...
AuthorsConstance Berry NewmanJuly 2, 2024Immigration has never been without tensions. In the United States, immigration remains a contentious issue that now, more than ever, dominates election campaigns. A 727-kilometer wall has been constructed on the US-Mexico border to halt the influx of migrants from the south. In Europe, the rise of far-right parties over the past twenty years has culminated in them becoming a major political force in the European Parliament ahead of the June 2024 elections. The tension around immigr ...
Majda Belkheiri & Naima HamoumiMay 03, 2024La façade atlantique africaine, une région riche en ressources naturelles, fait face à des défis environnementaux croissants. Inondations, érosion côtière, cyclones, et montée des eaux : ...
AuthorsApril 9, 2024Un proverbe africain dit, seul on va plus vite ; ensemble on va plus loin. C’est dans cet esprit de l’action et du leadership collectifs que s’insère l’initiative de l’Afrique atlantique initiée par le Maroc et qui vise la création des conditions nécessaires pour la construction d’une région Afrique/Atlantique stable, prospère et tournée vers la mer. À cette première initiative s’est ajoutée une deuxième, celle de la facilitation de l’accès à la mer aux pays du Sahel, e ...
Fatine Cherkaoui & Miriam Privarova (ADEL)March 20, 2024Join us for the first episode of the podcast series Echoes of the Earth: Navigating Environmental Challenges in the Atlantic Basin. Miriam Privarova, a 2023 ADEL alumna from Slovakia, sha ...
AuthorsRoxy NdebumaduFebruary 9, 2024Councilwoman Roxy Ndebumadu is a technology entrepreneur, and special advisor on beneficial AI, online safety and emerging technology. As a two term-elected official, she represents the City of Bowie, the fifth largest city in Maryland. She is also a 2023 alumna of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about her here. Amidst the churning tides of globalization, in which currents of tradition meet the winds of change, there is a call for a new international c ...
AuthorsPaul IsbellJanuary 3, 2024The strategic significance of the southern Atlantic is growing, driven by two underlying dynamics. Firstly, we have seen the geostrategic capabilities of the southern Atlantic states and their inhabitants strengthen and the value of their strategic assets rise, despite lingering internal vulnerabilities and frequent instability, often caused by the northern Atlantic and, on occasion, Eurasia. Secondly, the way in which the southern Atlantic states are pursuing and exploiting the pot ...
AuthorsPaul IsbellDecember 29, 2023In realist terms, the Southern Atlantic represents a natural partner for the powers of Eurasia—now grouped together in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)— especially for those that are, or could be, BRICS members. Pan-Atlantic cooperation is inherently of strategic interest to Eurasian countries because of its potential implications for the ultimate size of the BRICS Plus, for the degree of implication from its members in the Southern Atlantic, and for BRICS strategic goals ...
Akram Zaoui, Paul Isbell & Len IshmaelDecember 29, 2023The Wider Atlantic looks like an underinvested space in spite of its strategic significance and of its potential as a vast area of peaceful cooperation. Its vastness should not be viewed ...