Publications /
Policy Brief

What Happened to World Trade?
June 1, 2016

2015 was the worst year for world trade since the aftermath of the global financial crisis, with figures exhibiting a decline of almost 14% in dollar value terms. In fact, world trade volumes have lagged behind GDP growth since the 2000s, a trend accentuated since the onset of the global financial crisis, whereas global trade increases took place at a higher pace than world GDP prior to the new millennium. Although some transitional – and therefore potentially reversible – explaining factors may be pointed out, some structural trends have also been at play. Given that trade has been a key driver of global growth, income convergence, and poverty reduction, concerns have been raised over whether the current directions of world trade lead towards a lesser development-boosting potential.


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    The worldwide spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a severe human impact, mainly in the United States and Europe. For the time being, Africa seems to be less affected, based on the relatively small number of infected people and deaths. Several explanations have been put forward to support this finding, ranging from hot climates to acquired immunity from previous health challenges to traditional miracle cures. In their management of the new epidemic, African countries must logical ...
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    Morocco is today cited as an example for its dynamism, its leadership, under the impetus of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and, above all, its coherence in decision-making and the involvement of the population, through the Covid-19 Special Fund and the media to maintain public confidence. Indeed, the safety of the Moroccans was given priority over all other considerations, which made it possible to speed up the handling of the events and to supervise the management of the contaminate ...
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    L’objectif de cet article est de chercher à mettre en perspective les réactions de la République populaire de Chine et de la République islamique d’Iran face à la crise sanitaire provoquée par le nouveau coronavirus (Covid-19) avec l’histoire politique et moderne de ces pays, les modalités de leur construction étatique et de leur insertion dans l’ordre international. Régimes autoritaires dont la rhétorique et la légitimation se construisent autour d’une manière de nationalisme assoc ...
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    Meriem Oudmane
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  • Authors
    Mouhamadou Moustapha Ly
    Meriem Oudmane
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    Dans le domaine de la santé, des résultats importants ont été obtenus sur le continent africain comme le montrent les données récentes en termes d’espérance de vie et de la disponibilité des traitements contre les grandes causes de morbidité. Malgré cela, l’épisode récent de l’épidémie d’Ebola, qui a nécessité la mobilisation de moyens humains et financiers conséquents mais surtout de l’aide internationale, montre que les systèmes de santé restent vulnérables à des chocs de grande a ...