Publications /
Research Paper

Valuing the Economic Cost of Remoteness: A Case Study of the Tiznit-Dakhla Expressway in Morocco
Ademir A. Rocha
Vinicius A. Vale
December 22, 2022

There is a long tradition in transportation planning research in quantifying remoteness in the context of accessibility indicators. Considering an existing system’s network structure and its components’ performance, it is possible to assess the socio-economic impacts of changes in the physical characteristics of specific links that affect critical locations. Nonetheless, the connection between changes in accessibility and their socio-economic consequences frequently relies on using parameters estimated econometrically under partial equilibrium frameworks. More recently, modeling integration based on links between transportation networks and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models has been gaining attention from the research community. In this paper, we add to this research trend by examining the case of remote regions in Morocco. The physical transportation network in the country is particularly interesting for understanding the economic costs of isolation. We calibrate a spatial CGE model for Morocco and integrate existing interregional trade flows into the transportation infrastructure to simulate the potential higher-order economic impacts of a road project improving the access of regions in the Southern part of the country.


  • Authors
    Pierre-Richard Agénor
    January 24, 2015
    OCP Policy Center est ravi de recueillir vos commentaires et d’engager la discussion autour de la publication de son dernier livre sur la stratégie de croissance du Maroc à l’horizon 2025 dans un environnement international en mutation, co-écrit par Pierre Richard Agénor et Karim El Aynaoui. L’économie marocaine fait actuellement face au risque de se retrouver « prise en tenaille », entre, d’un côté les pays à faible revenu en croissance rapide, bénéficiant d’une main-d’œuvre abond ...