Publications /
Policy Brief

INSIGHTS INTO THE EU-OACPS NEGOTIATIONS 2018-2021 : What are the implications for the future partnership?
April 20, 2021

The briefing document by Ambassador Dr. Len Ishmael created in collaboration with MDPD KAS reviews the process of the EU-OACPS negotiations, reviews the process of the EU-OACPS negotiations, with a view to providing insights on the following issues:

- The challenges and bottlenecks in the process and those issues that have created tension.

- The future roles of the African Union (AU) and #OACPS Secretariats in the EU-OACPS relationship, and in Africa’s relationship with the #EU.

- Areas of unfinished business that could potentially lead to problems of implementation.

- Observations from the negotiation process and lessons learned.


This document was originally published on Konrad Adenauer


  • From

    5:30 pm March 2022
    Africafé est une émission du Policy Center for the New South qui décrypte l’actualité des organisations africaines et de l’Afrique. A travers de courtes interviews, l’émission tente de proposer d’aborder de manière pédagogique les enjeux des organisations africaines et l’actualité du continent. Dans cet épisode Abdessalam Jaldi international Relations Specialist au Policy Center for the New South, présente les enjeux du dernier sommet UE-Afrique, les principales conclusions et les propositions de refonte de la relation entre les deux continents. ...