Publications /
Book / Report

Global Dynamics in a Year of Domestic Contestations and Political Shifts
Foreword by Karim El Aynaoui (PCNS), Paolo Magri (ISPI), Samir Saran (ORF)
December 14, 2024

2024 marked the largest election year in history, with millions of people across the world going to the polls to elect their representatives and leaders. However, in the Global North, Donald Trump’s decisive election victory in the United States threatens to undermine multilateral governance structures that are already under strain. In the Global South, emerging economies from the expanded BRICS group and beyond strive to speak with a single voice, and their actions continue to be shaped by national dynamics.
How will domestic shifts impact international collaboration across the globe? Will we experience new trade wars? Will efforts to tackle climate change slow down? And how to restore hope and support a newfound impetus in multilateral governance?
Seeking to answer these questions, the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in India and the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) in Morocco, are delighted to announce the launch of the 2nd Annual Trends Report, involving experts from the three think tanks.


  • Authors
    Bouchra Rahmouni
    April 5, 2018
    Depuis la création de l’OMC, l’économie mondiale a enregistré deux évolutions majeures : la mise en place des chaînes de valeur globales et la conclusion de méga-accords commerciaux régionaux (Accord transatlantique Europe-États-Unis, Accord de Partenariat Transpacifique entre l’Amérique du Nord et une dizaine de pays asiatiques, partenariat unique total entre l’ASEAN, la Chine, le Japon et la Corée du Sud, plus la partie océanique). Le commerce intra-régional n’est plus une simple ...
  • Authors
    March 15, 2018
    President Trump’s proclamation that, because of national security concerns, he will apply a 25% tariff on all steel and a 10% tariff on all aluminium imports into the United States – except provisionally and dependent on NAFTA negotiations those from Canada and Mexico – affects, respectively 5.1 billion Euros and 1.1 billion Euros of EU exports. These are not trivial sums. However, the invocation of the national security exception in this case has implications that go far beyond nar ...
  • February 21, 2018
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  • Authors
    December 18, 2017
    La conférence Atlantic Dialogues 2017 s'est poursuivie le 14 décembre à Marrakech en passant progressivement de l'économie à la géopolitique. Des personnalités du Nord et du Sud se sont répondues, dans un débat franc et ouvert.  Hubert Védrine, ancien ministre français des Affaires étrangères, a livré son analyse de la diplomatie mondiale en ces termes : « Tous les pays défendent leurs intérêts et développent des idées, mais une dizaine seulement ont une vraie politique étrangère. L ...
  • Authors
    Mohammad Zia
    December 15, 2017
    As I arrived in Casablanca, I swerved between the crowds and baggage carousels to find someone I had never met before. That day in Casablanca was my first as a U.S. Fulbright Research Scholar seeking to learn more about Morocco’s energy sector. Only three months into my time in Morocco, I have had the chance to befriend young Moroccans and share conversations about Morocco’s burgeoning economy and its plans to build the world’s largest solar power plant. These Moroccan youth also s ...
  • December 13, 2017
    As a significant complement to the Atlantic Dialogues conference, the Atlantic Currents publication allows a deeper and further extension of the analytic contribution provided by the “Dialogues”.The goal being to enlarge the discussion pertaining to economic, political and security dimensions of a wider Atlantic area, favoring a new geopolitical construction of this strategic region. OCP Policy Center is proud of the role it has played in extending the transatlantic debate to embrac ...
  • December 13, 2017
    Le rapport Atlantic Currents 2017 sort en marge de la 6ème édition des Atlantic Dialogues, conférence de haut niveau organisée annuellement au Maroc par l’OCP Policy Center et ayant comme mission de promouvoir le dialogue transatlantique entre toutes les parties prenantes de cet espace géostratégique (Afrique, Caraïbes, Europe, Amérique latine et États-Unis), un dialogue devenu nécessité vu les changements rapides survenus de tous les côtés de l'Atlantique au cours des dernières ann ...
  • Authors
    Simone Tagliapieta
    Marion Jansen
    Yassine Msadfa
    Mario Filadoro
    August 28, 2017
    Endowed with half of the world’s known oil and gas reserves, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region became – particularly during the second half of the twentieth century – a cornerstone of the global energy architecture (Yergin, 1991, 2011; Maugeri, 2006). This architecture is currently undergoing a structural transformation, prompted by two different forces: decarbonisation policies and technological developments. The adoption and quick entry into force of the Paris Agreem ...
  • Authors
    Abdelkhalek El Bikam
    Afang Ndong Zita
    Kourouma Oumar
    August 25, 2017
    The current economic, political and geo-strategic dynamics, centered on the major regional groups, announce a reconfiguration of the international order in which Africa is called to play an important role through its main continental institution which is the Union African Union (AU). The AU is increasingly emerging as the continent's platform with foreign partners, and continues to face problems of dependence, governance and leadership. Therefore, in a critical and forward-looking a ...