Publications /
Policy Brief

A chequered African history of commodity markets. Part II: cocoa
February 16, 2016

West African countries, on top of which is Côte d’Ivoire, represent the bulk of the world supply of cocoa beans. From the end of the nineteenth century to their independence, and to recent times, their histories have been marked by boom and bust cycles that were sometimes desynchronized from one country to another, especially for Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, due to differentiated political and economic backdrops. As for now, cocoa producers seem to be insulated from the rout which has hit nearly all the commodities, amidst fears of a shortfall by 2020.


  • Authors
    Under the direction of
    Philippe Chalmin
    April 9, 2019
    Commodity prices were once again marked by significant volatility in 2017 and 2018. While there are many economic factors to explain this, politics were also present—trade tensions between China and the United States and, more generally, a rise in uncertainties—weighing upon the global macroeconomic outlook and the ‘dynamism of the markets’. Africa, which has countries with strong growth rates, has, however, been able to show solid economic performance, and this trajectory is not li ...
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    Simone Tagliapietra
    Lucia de Strasser
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    Comme le rappelle le Policy brief 17/32 consacré en large part à l’hypothèse dite de « Prebisch-Singer », la dynamique du prix des matières premières se décompose en tendance de très long terme, en cycle et en instabilité (volatilité) à court terme (Jacks, 2013)1 . La flambée du cours des matières premières sur la période 2002-2012 avait, dans cette perspective, conduit nombre d’observateurs à évoquer l’existence d’un « super-cycle » alimenté par la hausse structurelle de la demande ...
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    The lion roared. A thunderous, gut-freezing roar. Followed by a ferocious growl, just to make sure that the adrenaline would reach explosive heights. Again, the thunderstorm effect, menacing, rumbling in the distance. This was a different storm. I could see the massive head. Its contour. Did I notice the eyes, yellow and green? A lion. Male and twenty yards away. Covered by a dense, green, bush. Since I am an admirer of Hemingway’s adventures, I was aware that the author estimated t ...